Episode five

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We were all sitting around the ice cream table. "Okay guys I would just like to let you know that I am very proud of you. You have come so far this summer give yourself a pat on the back. But the time has come for you boys and girl to become men and women real men and women much like the Triple Tones have girlfriends or boyfriends in Bexley's case. And this week your challenge, should you except it is to find yourselfs a sexy lady and men. Now you three Bonquisha and I have taken the liberty of setting you up on a blind date. You two will be recovering yourself on that hot mess you took those girls on, yeah I heard about that. Bexley you will be also on a blind date as well. In order to have a successful date, there are three simple rules you need to follow," Todrick started.
"For number one," Bonquisha continued.
"Humor, keep it light and fluffy." Jeffery finished.
"Give us an example please." Todrick ordered.
"Alright here I go, hey I like my women like I like my coffee." Jeffery said.
"How's that?" Bonquisha asked.
"I don't like coffee, just kidding I love women." Jeffery answers.
It was silent for a minute. "F- for number two." Bonquisha stutterd.
"Have a hot body." Jeffrey grinned.
"You mean like this?" David asked.
While asking he had to lift his shirt up. I just rolled my eyes. Jeffrey started gaging.
"You okay?" Todrick asked.
"I'm sorry. I'm gagging over the disaster that is David!" Jeffrey exclaimed.
This caused David to sadly put his shirt down and looked down shamefully. "For number three." Bonquisha broke the silence.
"Swa!" He said.
"I'm sorry what?" I asked.
"Swa!" He replied.
"Can you saw it again?" Dana asked.
"Swa!" He said annoyed.
"Jeffrey I think that were having a little language barrier here. Can you say it slower?" Todrick asked.
"Swaaaaa." He said slowly.
We were all trying to figure out what he was saying. "Swag." Bonquisha said.
We finally got to meet our blind date. My date was a tall blonde haired guy. "Hi, I'm John." He said.
The minute he started talking I knew he was gay. He would not shut up the whole time. Telling me everything that was wrong with me.
"Am I wrong for thinking out the box from where I stay? Am I wrong for saying that I choose another way?"
"I ain't tryna do what everybody else doing. Just cause everybody doing what they all do."
"If one thing I know I'll fall but I'll grow i'm walking down this road of mine, this road that I call home."
" so am I wrong for thinking that we could be something for real? Now am I wrong for trying to reach the things that I can't see? But that's just how I feel."
"Why you gotta be so rude?"
"That's just how I feel. That's just how I feel."
"Why you gotta be so rude?"
"Trying to reach the things that I can't see."
"I hate to do this you leave no choice can't live without her."
Cole and Will:
"Love me or hate we will be boys."
"Standing at that alter."
"Or we will run away, to another galaxy, you know."
Will and Dana:
"You know she is still in love with me."
"She'll go anywhere I go."
"Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life, say yes, say yes, cause I need to know. You say I never get your blessing till the day. Tough luck my friend the answers still no."
"So am I wrong?'
"Why you gotta be so rude."
"For thinking that we could be something for real?"
"Don't you know I'm human too,"
"Now am I wrong,"
"Why you gotta be so rude."
"For trying to reach the things that I can't see? Gonna marry him anyway, but that's just how I feel."
"Marry that girl, marry her anyway, marry that girl, no matter what you say."
"Now am I wrong."
"Marry that girl"
"Trying to reach the thing that I can't see."
We were all walking upstairs to the ice cream room. "That was horrible, that girl wouldn't shut up and that voice." Cole complained.
"I didn't even get my girls name." Dana added.
"My girl was freaking crazy, she tried to kill me." David continued.
"If I have to take another selfie I'm going to go crazy." Gabe added.
"My guy was gay." I said.
They all shut up and looked at me. I just nodded my head yes. "I actually had a really nice time." Will said.
We all looked at him and shook our heads and went to bed.

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