•E X T R A•

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Valentines Special.


As years passed. Damon and I has been going through a lot of things.

Damon is busy being the Alpha that he was, Lot of wild rouges has been entering the border and trying to harm the pack members.

But he never missed a time with us—Alex is already five and he was busy studying everyday and he was now soft-spoken.

Just like me before

But lately, He sometimes didn't come home earlier—He called me at night telling me that he can't home due to his work as a Alpha and a CEO—I understand that but Alex always stay up late just to wait for him.

"Mama, mama, mamaa..."

I was taken back to reality when I heard my little boy called—I look at him and smiled;

"Yes dear?"

I asked. He handed me roses and greeted;

"Happy valentines day mama"

He said with a soft manner before giving me a card—I never feel so in-love with this boy and I will take care of him too much.

"Thank you, My love."

I whispered—kissing his head as he hug me with his small arms—He was already four and going strong.

8:30 p.m and Alex was already asleep—I'm disappointed that he didn't come home yet.

I can't help but to sob softly as I hold my pillow, Alex was sleeping peacefully on his bed.


I sobbed as I look outside the window until I see something—


I see the whole pack warriors and member holding a single stem of Sunflower.


They greeted and it started raining rose petals—It was lovely and It must be some sort of magic!

I sense someone on my back and when I turn around—It was my husband. My love—Damon Veux.

"Happy Valentines Day, My love, Khene Dale Veux."

He gently said as he kissed me on the lips gently—Oh how he make my heartbeat!

He smirked as he gave me a bouquet of red roses—I lean up to kiss his cheeks—he lean down as he kiss back.

"Happy Valentines again! Mama! Papa!"

Alex rushed inside—holding a single flower of roses—Damon carried him as He stare at us lovingly—Looking outside—Everyone was dancing happily with their partners.

"Dance now!"
'Dance now baby!'
"Give it out under the sun!"

IV OF SPADES: Hey Barbara!


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