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Disclaimer: I don't own Transformer.....blah , blah...

TRIGGER WARNING:Discussion of Rape

Crystal had been hanging out with Miko, Jack and Raf at their usual lunch table now. It felt good to have friends. People to depend on, a place to belong. Miko liked having another girl in the group too, especially someone who understood what she had been through. The guys seemed to like Crystal too. At least they didn't bother her, which she was thankful for.

Today was just like most days. Jack and Raf were discussing some new modifications Jack had been helping Arcee with, and the girls were trying to find a common ground musically. Both to their credit were really trying and had found some middle ground bands, like the Goo Goo Dolls, they both seemed to enjoy well enough. The group was thoroughly enjoying lunch and the idle chit-chat that was weaving through the group.

"Hey Miko, can you grab me a soda?" Jack asked from across the table. "No Prob." The slender Japanese girl slid out of the table and made her way across the cafeteria to the vending machines with a spring in her step. She hummed a favorite Slash Monkey tune under her breath as she made her selection and paid for the drink. Miko was so distracted that it caught her completely off guard when she turned and came up face to face with Vince. "Hey Pretty Girl. Long time, no see. Miss me? I missed you." He reached forward to touch her cheek, but before he could make contact Miko screamed dropping to the floor.

Jack and the others heard the scream and turned to see what the commotion was. He could pick out Vince and made he way over to the group to see what was going on. As the scene before him registered he shoved Vince out of the way "What did you do?" he asked through gritted teeth, scooping up Miko. "Nada, Bro. Girl's a freak!" Jack huffed and took Miko back to the safety of the group. "Shhhh...It's OK Miko" His finger caressed her cheek softly and she flinched violently against him. "We should probably get her out of here." Crystal surmised. "Good idea, call Bulkhead."Jack said. Crystal pulling out her phone and dialing as Jack carried Miko out of the building, doing his best to keep her calm until Bulk arrived.


Bulkhead pulled up to the school and the four friends piled in quickly. "What happened?" Bulk asked before Miko's demeanor registered with him. "It's OK" the Mech vented softly. "Easy, That's my girl." "Vince happened" Jack spit out bitterly. Crystal and Jack both put protective arms around the scared girl. Jack began recounting what had happened in the cafeteria for Bulkhead as they drove toward base.

Miko was largely stoic throughout the trip,content to let Crystal and Jack attempt to comfort her but locked in her own little world for the most part. She tried to breath, to hold in the pain. She tried desperately to hold herself together.

Finally they made it into the safety of the Autobot base, the teens climbed out of the large truck, mostly pulling Miko along with them. Bulkhead swiftly transforming back into his regular 'bot self. He took Miko into his servo and held her close to his spark. "Why does this keep happening?" Raf asked inquisitively. Optimus had come over when the children arrived unexpectedly. "Rafael, Miko suffered a traumatic experience at the hands of another. On Cyberton sometimes 'bots who experienced trauma would experience memory fluxes.....flashbacks. I suspect this is something in common between humans and Cybertronians alike, and what Miko is experiencing from her trauma. Give her time." Raf nodded solemnly looking over at Miko as Optimus gently placed a digit comfortingly on the small boy's shoulder.

Bulkhead held Miko in his servo, consoling her as she trembled "Come on girl" He cooed softly, stroking her back with his thumb. "You're alright. Bulk's here." He kept her close to his spark, protecting her. Miko whimpered softly, slowly uncurling as she broke from the clutches of the flashback. Her eyes were drawn to Bulkhead's optics with great surprise "Wha? How?" She looked around trying to orient herself.

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