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Disclaimer: I own nothing

"Umm... I'm Crystal....... Crystal Jade Jenkins....." She stammered, playing with her hair again, the ear blob once again covered. She felt a bit vulnerable. They were ten times her height or more!

"Welcome,Crystal " Optimus said, stepping back so as not to seem so overwhelming. the other bots. waving and giving greetings as well. "You've met myself, and Bulkhead...our medic, Ratchet" gesturing to the orange and white bot. "Arcee" to the slim blue and pink femme-looking bot. "and Bumblebee" a nod was given to the yellow and black Scout.

She smiled shyly at all of them, twirling a lock of strawberry-blond hair. "I uh... uhm... so..." She tried to figure out the best way to ask her question without confusing everyone. "S-so who... I mean... Who knows about you? I-I mean is it a government secret or something...?"

Optimus spoke again "We have a government Liaison, Agent Fowler, but our existence is largely a guarded secret. Aside from the children, and a few select humans, such as yourself. We would appreciate if you kept it that way." Miko nudged Crystal whispering in her ear "Don't worry about Optimus, he's bossy, but he's not mean."

"N-no worries.. I mean... who'd believe me?" She shrugged. "So... uhm... do I have to do some kind of... initiation or something...?" Crystal didn't know what to say or do. Aliens. She was surrounded by talking, three-story-tall robotic aliens!!! That was enough for her to still feel woozy.

Miko quipped."That's it....giant robots that turn into cars n stuff....big secret!" Miko smiled brightly. "They're cool, especially Bulkhead! Bulk's AWSOME!"

"I... y-yeah... I can... t-tell..." Crystal stared up at the hulking green robot, locking her aqua eyes into his blue optics. When she stared directly into his eyes, she saw hurt, pain, regret and guilt. And she had a feeling what it was about.

Bulkhead locked optics with her only for a brief moment, it was true for a 'bot he was extremely transparent. A large servo rested softly on Nara. "Any friend of Miko's is a friend to the Autobots."

She looked up at him, and her timid smile grew a bit. She looked back at Miko, hazel eyes glittering. "Wait..." She remembered something. "Y-you said something about protecting me... uhm... h-how?"

Miko smiled " Giant 'bots are scary, Vince nearly lost it" she giggled softly. "Bulk's my guardian, he protects me."

She giggled. "I.. I bet! So uhm... W-who's going to be my guardian?" She hoped it was with Miko. The girl seemed so fearless and Bulkhead was nice... They both knew where she was coming from.

Miko looked around, just as confused as she was....She couldn't imagine gruff Ratchet as the girl's guardian.....and Optimus was kind...but, he still didn't feel right. "You can share Bulk with me if you want?" her head cocked softly to the large green ' bot. "Sure, if she wants." Bulkhead added.

"You... Well... I..." Crystal stammered, then softly smiled again. "I g-guess so..."

"Unless you don't wanna share....It's ok." Miko interjected softly.

"No! No actually... I'd k-kinda like to stick with you..."Crystal exclaimed, almost excitedly.

Miko smiled slowly "Yay! Team Prime has a new member!!", pulling the

Crystal took a deep breath, pulling the hair back from her ears. "Since we're sharing secrets......I'm deaf." She looked around slowly. "I only got these when I was 5....I've been in and out of foster homes. That's why I moved here in the middle of the year. I can hear pretty well....almost perfetly I've been told, as long as they're in. As soon as they come out." Crystal closed her hands for emphasis "Nada" The girl heald her breath, waiting for thier reaction, expecting to be rejected like she always was.

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