|| 3: Ok The Human Centipede is by no means 'awesome'! ||

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[a.n] hey guys :) wow, I'm so happy with the response this book has gained, it's amazing!! I really never expected to receive over 100 reads so quickly :) thank you sooooo much! I love every single one of your comments, so please keep them coming :) xx

This chapter is dedicated to @xMagnumOpus because she has made a wonderful review of this story and I was so happy to read her feedback :) xx

P.S I've recently posted a new story called Kiss and Tell, it would mean a lot to me if you would check that story out to?? :) thank you x


[julie's pov]

"Mean girls!"

"Pitch Perfect!"

It was happening again. Luke and Lola were arguing..



Lola wanted to watch Mean Girls.. whilst Luke..

"PITCH PERFECT IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN MEAN GIRLS!" Luke jumped up, the movie clutched to his chest. His bottom lip was pouted and his eyebrows furrowed. He looked like an adorable little kid and I wasn't ashamed to say that I was staring.

Lola opened her mouth, just about ready to argue back...


Both siblings ceased in their arguing as all our attention was drawn to Ashton.

The bandana boy smirked, obviously proud to gain everyone's full attention.

How vain..

Ashton, strode into the living room, clutching both a large bowl of popcorn and a DVD case in his hands. Which by the way, are freakishly large. I mean, he had bigger hands than E.T!

"I have brought an awesome movie with me. They're be none of that chick flick crap Luke's into!"

Luke's cheeks flared red as he hung his head at Ashton's, rather cruel, remark. 'Pitch Perfect' still cradled into his chest.

I frowned, glaring at Ashton, who still had that smirk printed on his face. I didn't like the way he spoke to Luke. Nor the way he completely ignored the fact that Luke had a sensitive soul. And of course, me being me, I decided to sass back.

"Pitch Perfect is an awesome movie, chick flick or not, at least Luke has good taste!" I snap, my eyes narrowed at Ashton.

Luke glanced up at me through his eyelashes. A small, shy smile playing on his lips.

I bit my lip, feeling butterflies in my stomach awaken and begin to flutter around. This was an everyday experience with Luke, but my feelings seemed to grow stronger by the minute. My eyes flickered from Luke to the floor as my cheeks heated up.

I was so obvious it's shameful.

A clearing of the throat caused my eyes to be once again drawn to the bandana wearing boy in the middle of the room. Even though his smirk was still evident the proud gleam in his eyes had changed. Instead they looked almost curious.

They flicked back and forth between Luke and I a few times, before fully resting on me. My breath caught in my throat at the intensity of his gaze.

His eyes really were.. beautiful..

Oh great! Now I'm staring at Ashton!

I forced myself to look away from both boys. Slouching further on the sofa, I crossed my arms protectively around myself, wanting nothing more than to run out the room.

This is so awkward..

The tension in the room had defiantly soured above maximum. But of course, Lola decided to break the ice.

"So Ashton, what's this 'awesome movie' we're watching?!"

Ashton Irwin grinned, that mischievous glint in his eyes returning as he held up the DVD box.

"The Human Centipede!"...


Ok, The Human Centipede is by no means 'awesome'!

It's sick! Disgusting even!

Not even half way through the film, I was completely and utterly terrified. Curled up on the sofa, I tried to avert my eyes from the screen, but I just couldn't!

Across from me Lola was squealing on the other sofa whilst Ashton was laughing at her from the floor. He seemed completely un-phased by the gruesome movie, while the rest of us cringed to the verge of throwing up.

I bet he's seen this before and brought it just to scare us, Jerk!..

Deciding I had, had enough, I stood up shakily. Making up some lame excuse about being thirsty I scuttled to the kitchen.

Sighing in relief as I entered, the gory sound of the film fading away in the distance of the sitting room.

Grabbing my favourite Harry Potter glass that the Hemmings owned, I filled it up from the tap. My hands shaking uncontrollably.

"Oh Jesus." I muttered, shaking my head at my own stupidity and lifting my glass to my lips.

After drinking I instantly felt a tad better, but was still very shaken up. So when two strong arms wrapped themselves gently around my waist, I couldn't help but jump.

My breath hitched in my throat as a small hum of amusement vibrated through the warm body that had snuggled up close to mine. Warm breath gently tickled my neck and a slightly stubbed chin rested itself on my shoulder, gently nuzzling into my Blink-182 shirt.

I let out a small whimper, not out of fear but of comfort and gazed down at the rubber bracelet covered wrists.

Leaning my head back, I rested it against a warm chest, my eyes slickly fluttering in the brightness of the kitchen. Upon opening them I gazed up, a small, shy smile forming upon my lips.. as I gazed up at some twinkling blue ones.

Luke licked his pierced lips agonizingly slowly, his eyes never leaving mine..

"Hey." He whispered, his deep voice, vibrating against my back as I lent into him.



[a.n] OMFG! The Human Centipede is SOOOO CREEPY!!! I'm serious, DON'T WATCH IT AND ALL THOSE WHO HAVE, AM I RIGHT???!!!

so what do you think?? cute Luke moment!!!!! but don't worry all you Ashton lovers, there are plenty of adorable Ash moments coming up too :3

please tell we what you think of this, I'd really love to know :) x

Thank you so much again for everything xxx

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