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It's just a break! Not forever just until there ready. Just a break! Shut up Lindsay! We've watched friends! The night they split Lindsay came home she didn't say a word to Aimee, didn't check her work email, didn't even take the dogs for a hike. It was obvious something was off, so Aimee snuck upstairs looked in her room and just saw her balling into one of her dogs coats. The dog, Lucy just took the tears licking her in the process, Bear the second dog was pacing the end of the bed. Aimee sighed pet Bear and sat behind Lindsay, stroking her back.
"We decided to take a break" she whispered. Aimee spooned her best friend, her own tears dropping on the partners head.
"I'm sorry" Lindsay just cried and cried.

Similarly when Gee arrived home she was expecting to see Will on the couch editing or watching a football match. However it was the soft cries coming from the lads bedroom that really concerned her. She hadn't heard anything on twitter about a video going badly. He wasn't fighting with anyone that she knew of. So what was it? Slowly she put down her bag and opened to door. Will was laying balled up on the bed, tears all down his face and phone in hand. She could see it was his photos but unable to make out exactly what he was staring at.
"Will, babe what is it?" She stood at the end of his bed reaching her hand on his leg.
" I lost her, I fucking lost her" Gee quickly moved sitting in front of his chest, stroking his hair.
"Lost who baby?" She whispered. Trying to look at his phone in case he wouldn't say.
"The girl of my dreams" he sobbed. Gee's heart broke, who had hurt him so bad. Last she had known he was messing around with random tinder girls.
So there laid two friends holding this now falling couple. Tears in there own eyes, and no clue where to go from there.

*sorry for another short and super sad chapter! I included a picture of Newfoundland dogs for happiness and also the breed the main character had. These dogs are freaking angels, had 2 growing up! Honestly based what the dog did in this story to what my real dog use to do when I was young.*

Hiding- Willne Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang