Something takes hold

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Cassie was more than happy to skip our morning workout on Sunday. Instead I used the morning to meditate, an activity that I hadn’t done in years. My life is full of movement, so sitting perfectly still is rather hard for me to do but the rattled state of my mind demanded some housekeeping. So I slowly listened to my heartbeat and worked on my breathing. I could feel tense muscles relax and I actually brought each wayward thought, memory, and emotion to my attention. One by one I examined, acknowledged and reordered them. I could feel my elemental manifestations watching me inside my mind; this process is how I trained my magic to respond so whenever I meditate, my magic is always close to the surface. Right now I could feel the tenderness in the pathways my magic used, I was better now than yesterday but I would like to avoid being around strong magic for a good few days yet. But I did spend time with each element treating it like a separate entity, like the loyal hound I called them. Even if I wasn’t up to using them right now, it was soothing to feel them so near and so well controlled. I eventually felt settled enough to reemerge to the world around me. My stomach was growling and when I opened my eyes, I saw Edward sitting cross legged across from me. I was a little surprised to see him; last night he’d taken off so fast that I’d assumed he’d be gone all weekend. I stayed quiet while I watched him but he opened his eyes, feeling me watching him and smiled at me. I smiled back and got to my feet.

“Food?” I asked wistfully and Edward laughed.

“Sure, let’s go grab something.” He agreed. It only hurt a little when he snapped us out to a popular all day breakfast restaurant. I ordered pancakes with chocolate chips and real maple syrup, which were mind blowing and perfect. We discussed, of all things, the standing offer for me to do modelling. I just didn’t see me doing it; some of the pictures they’d gotten off of me had looked damned good, but I just couldn’t see myself enjoying the actual modelling itself. Edward thought I should at least give it a shot so I grudgingly agreed to at least try it one more time. Secretly I knew it wouldn’t go well, as a rule I try not to do the same activities as Cass. I do not like people comparing us because they tend to pick her over me; petty but true.

There was a bouquet of flowers and a letter waiting for me when we got back. I opened the letter, already knowing whom it was from. The greeting confirmed my suspicion.


I give you my sincerest apologies for my actions on the night of the Ball.

I was unfortunately unaware of the effects of Fae wine and as such acted

foolishly and improperly. I humbly request forgiveness,

Yours truly, Sebastian

I read the letter twice, and then looked at the bouquet. Of course I could tell Edward desperately wanted to know who the flowers were from, but he wasn’t happy when I told him. I wanted to be mad at Sebastian but instead I felt bad for him. He’d made an ass of himself, got rejected by me, and Alex had sex with his date all in the same night. Considering the stupid shit I’d done after drinking that stuff, I’d be hypocritical to ask for forgiveness myself but offer none in return. So I took the flowers up to my room and set them next to the other bouquet. Because of my affinity with earth, the flowers would last until spring when I’d plant them outside. I grabbed a long stemmed star flower from the first bouquet and entwined the stem with a long stemmed white rose from this bouquet, then I attached a little note to it reading ‘apology accepted’ and sent it off to Sebastian.

It was early afternoon on a Sunday and I hadn’t a damn clue what to do with myself. But as soon as I saw it snowing outside, a childish squeal erupted. Edward gave me a startled look and burst out laughing. “You haven’t made a noise like that since I could carry you piggy back.”

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