Remember the name

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  • Dedicated to all my followers and readers

Warning: There will be a lot of violence in this chapter. It will not be explicit, though.


Auburn curls blew in the wind as the woman stood in front of the small plantation with a calculating look in her eyes. She was listening, smelling, searching her surroundings carefully and as she started walking towards the two-story house a sinister smile spread on her lips.

She didn't bother to knock before she opened the door and entered the vampire-infested house, striding into a large common room as if she owned the place to find about five vampires lounging in the sofas. She frowned in disgust when she saw the mess they had made and her eyes landed on a woman in her thirties, who was being fed from by a female vampire.

"Who the hell are you?" a gruff-looking man asked, when he finally noticed her leaning against the door frame with a hand on her hip, and rose from his seat. "And how did you get in here?"

"Oh honey, I don't need an invitation." the woman replied with a smirk on her lips, hiding her irritation. "And surely, Pheodora must have informed you of my arrival."

"You're the powerful vampire Pheodora told us about." another vampire stated and the redhead eyed the woman with pursed lips before stepping further into the room, moving past the unfriendly vampire to stand in front of the seated vampires.

"I am. And who might you be?" the woman replied and casted a curious glance at the rest of the gang. They all met her gaze; some fascinated, others disinterested but the redhead's eyes landed on the human, who was whimpering in pain and still bleeding from the puncture marks on her wrist.

"I'm Natasha and this is Lee, Dennis and Jessica." Natasha told her eagerly and the redhead half-smiled at her as she pointed at the vampires in the sofas. Natasha then nodded towards the man that had greeted her and who was still glaring at her. "And that idiot is Brian."

"I am guessing that you all nurture a strong hatred towards Klaus Mikaelson?" the woman asked after a short pause and studied the vampires' faces intently for any off reaction.

"Don't you?" Brian barked as he moved to stand in front of her with his arms crossed and his chest heaved. The woman almost rolled her eyes at his alpha male tendencies; she had had enough of those.

"I am in no way obligated to answer your question, Brian, but I suggest your answer mine." the redhead replied with a sweet voice and smiled at the vampire, who blinked in surprise at her threatening manner.

"If I could, I would rip his head off with my own hands." Brian growled at her before stepping away with clenched fists. The woman looked at the others expectantly and noticed how Natasha's eyes suddenly were fixed on the floor.

"He turned my sister, Kim, into a hybrid and later killed her." Lee replied coldly and the woman realized with raised eyebrows that the man in fact wasn't a vampire, but a werewolf. She then looked to Jessica, who watched her with a bored expression as her fingers absentmindedly played with the hair of the human woman she had fed from.

"He killed my sire, when he took over this city from Marcel." Jessica said and the redhead frowned at the lack of emotion that the vampire displayed.

"He and the Ripper killed the woman I loved back in twenties." Dennis told with clear anger in his voice and the woman tilted her head questioningly.

"The Ripper?" she asked and noticed how Dennis' lips turned into a thin line.

"Stefan Salvatore. Infamous blood addict, who turns into the Ripper when his switch is off." Dennis explained and the woman nodded in recognition.

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