Chapter 2: Take A Hint

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Damon's P.O.V.

* Flashback*

"No!" I shouted into his face only to have guilt wash over me as his eyes changed emotions. I felt horrible. He looked shocked and taken aback probably from how cold I sounded. It hurt. I couldn't bring myself to apologize, and that only made matters worse as I saw what shouting to him did.

"Well?" I growled when he turned unresponsive, "what do you want?" I groaned in frustration as I rubbed my forehead for the fifth time that night

"I'm sorry, okay?" but I didn't give any answer as I removed his hands away from me, "just", I failed at trying to make a clean getaway as I got off of him, and fell, "bye", but I didn't hear.

My face stung from the fall, and my sheets were strangling me. Who the fuck invented thick blankets for!? I can't breathe and it's hot in here! I thought angrily. I managed to move around so I was on my back and gazing at the ceiling.

My stomach churned as I searched the room for anything. And got nothing before my whole body exploded with pain.

*End of flashback*

Alexis's P.O.V.

I woke up alone. My heart clenched at that. I was dreaming again, but this time I was completely alone.

How depressing. But I'd make it out fine. So instead of being stupid like the girl's in movies do, "investigating" the entire building NAKED, I did something more... beneficial. I dressed as fast as my body would allow me to move, without tripping, but of course struggling with my t-shirt. It was plain and grey, my skinny's were black but not as tight as it could've been, thankfully. I hated too tight skinny jeans. And last but not least my sexy converse.

I was about to make my way towards the door, the only exit, when I realized that I was missing something.

Fuck me. I swore mentally and physically punched the wall... Which as stupid and hurt... A lot.

I bought it for $40 at Eblens, and it contained many things that I would Definitely NOT wanna lose. My iPhone was in there! That expensive shit had all the music I loved. From: R&B to Korean Pop. Along with its charger, my pocketknife, and my most MUST HAVE snacks!

And don't forget a change of clothes for the next few days, a voice in my head added, but I was too distracted by the fact that I lost something that cost over $300 in total, with all the things that were in it.

"Fuck me harder" that bag was Obey too," I whined just as my stomach growled making me jump forward, fall, and hit my boobies in the process of kicking the wall, only to find my backpack under the bed the entire time. I got pissed/annoyed that I had hurt myself multiple times for NO reason whatsoever.

Was it cause I was black? I asked myself, after brushing myself off and pulling out my poke (pocket knife), just in case, placing it in my ass pocket, that's what I called it anyways, as I reached the door, my only exit, in three quick steps.

I was in the process of reaching the doorknob and taking one last look at the apartment: which only had a bed, love seat couch, bathroom door, nightstand, and a slide up window, when I heard the sound of footsteps, faint, but heavy at the same time, down the hall. I found that It was too late to hide, so I took a deep breath, choked; swore, and continued to reach the doorknob.

I'm in the middle turning the doorknob when I feel the.... presence? of another behind the door. A cold sweat trickle down my forehead, passed my neck, down my back, and panicked. I think to back out last minute, but decide against it. If whatever it was behind this door was about to kill me, I'd just give in and gladly suggest some torturing techniques my mom used on me, when I was thirteen, in front of my little brother. They'd be doing me a FAVOR.


I took my last final breathes and turned the doorknob all the way, opening the door, as I braced myself for the most excruciating pain I'd ever receive in my fifteen and a half years of living.

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