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Andy's POV

(the next week)

I fluttered open my eyes. I looked at Rye. He was playing his phone. "Hey morning," I said.

"Morning fovvs," he said to me with a big smile. I don't know why, something wrong with his smile. It looks so fake.

Rye acts weirdly this week. He cut his hand and said he didn't do that. He is being emotionally from time to time. Once I heard he cried and locked himself in the bathroom. I hope something bad is not gonna happen to him.

We used to spend a lot of time together, he always shares everything with me so do I.

I stared at Rye. "he looks like rye," I mumbled to my self. "he plays his phone just like rye," i mumbled to my self again.

I shook my head. I saw Rye going down to his bed and went outside. I decided to follow him outside. I went down to my bed and wore my t-shirt and a pair of trousers. Then I grabbed my phone and my wallet. And I went outside.

"What are you doing fovvs?" He asked. "Um, jogging? Wanna join?" I asked awkwardly. "Nah, I am just gonna walked around."

I nodded. "Okay see you around," I said. I started to run. I took a long exhale. Is Rye gonna be okay?

Okay fovvs, the list you have to do is.

1. Buy chocolate. Maybe Rye will love it.

2. Buy some chips. Maybe Rye will get better, so we all can watch a movie together.

3. Get some tea. It is rye favorite.

Okay, Asda here I come-. Wait. Why all I have to do is for rye? Well yeah, I don't care..

I walked to Asda. I bought all the things Rye needs. Yeah, Rye.

Maybe this will be the stupidest thing I ever did in my life.

I went out the Asda and walked slowly to the flat. I stared at the road.

Well maybe helping people will be good for me. I hope he will get better soon.

*time skip*

I arrived at the flat. I rushed to the room. And slowly walked into our bedroom. I heard Rye is crying. I opened the door slowly. I saw Mikey comforting Rye. Then Mike kissed Rye on the forehead.

I smiled. I didn't opened the door fully. I saw him from a little gap between the door and the wall. I saw rye looking up at mike and gave him a big smile. That is the smile. He didn't fake it.

And yeah I knew what is gonna happened. They kissed.

I smiled and closed the door slowly. I went to the kitchen and put all the stuffs in the cupboard.

I took a long exhale.

Well it is hurt. But it is okay. As long as Rye can feel love and forgot his pain. It is okay.

I walked to the bedroom. I knocked on the door. "Heyy, it is andy, can I come in?" I asked.

"Yeah you can," Mikey shouted. "Thanks."

I opened the door. "Hey, sup?" I asked. "A little bit hungry," Mikey said. "Yeah me either," Rye continued. "There are plenty of food in the cupboard," I said.

"Yesshh," Mikey said excitedly. He rushed to the kitchen. And rye followed him.

I went up to my bed and sat there. Someone take me too the good days when I can spend my time with Rye. The day when I can see Rye laughs so hard until he almost lost his breathe. Haha. I missed that a lot.

I shook my head. Mikey and Rye came back to the room. And Rye was eating the chocolate. They sat on the sofa.

I smiled. Look Rye is being his 5 years old when he meets chocolate. That is cute. Thanks Lord for giving back Rye his iconic smile and of course his happiness.

*time skip*

It is 9 pm. The boys are laying on their bed. But now, Rye slept with Mikey.

Yeah, Rye still needs helps. And maybe Mikey is the right one.

"Fovvs?" Rye voice. "Yeah? Anything wrong?" I asked.

He giggled. "No nothing at all, by the way thanks for the chocolate!" He smiled. Aweeee. "Yeah no problem," I answered. I smiled back.

I stared at the mirror, fixing my hair. And getting sleepy.

I lyed on my bed. Facing Rye and Mikey.

I think I found my happiness.

Yeah. Rye being happy is my happiness. Even he is happy without me.

I love him.


Hey fellas :) sorry for the late update and short chapter. i lowkey ran out of ideas hehe. im sorry for the mistake i did. and my bad grammar. i hope you enjoyed this! hope you have a good day.

dont forget to vote ;)



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