「Chapter 2」

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(A/T)<----- Animal Type

(Random music)

Everything was blurry..

She didn't have control over anything that happened to her on that night.

After that horrible night, (Y/N) would always cry herself to sleep, she hardly ate, never left the house.. Not even secretly.

(Y/N) was so traumatized by this, she felt that everything was her fault, she never brought it up to anyone because she was afraid of losing the only friends she has.

"Damn it! (Y/N)! Are you listening to me?!" Christan yelled as he grabbed her wrist, causing her to wince from the bruises that were there previously.

"S-sorry Christan.. Did you need something?" The small timid (A/T) asked in a fearful tone.

The angered cat gripped the small (A/T)'S wrist even harder than before which caused her to cry out softly.

"O-ow Christan... Y-your hurting me... " (Y/N) said as she tried to pull her now purple and blue wrist away.

But that only resulted in him gripping it tighter.

"Let's go.. " He said in a low tone as he pulled (Y/N) out the front door and began walking, still holding her wrist tightly.

Wincing in pain, (Y/N) followed his orders... That is until he pushed her down on the grass of the front lawn.

"You can sleep out here for the night.. " Christan began to walk back inside whilst (Y/N) shivered at the way he just left her.

'He may be abusive and such but he's never kicked me out before..' she mentally thought.

So being at least a little thankful for being out of the house, she got up and ran towards the closest place near her house.

Tails' workshop.

(Y/N) and Tails became close friends after Sonic would randomly leave and Tails would be left alone to worry.

But whenever she was around she would always reassure him that everything would be okay. And after 1 year of going to the workshop, her and Tails became best friends...

That is until she went "missing" for 2 months.



"Coming!!" yelled a voice from inside the workshop.

Clanking and clanging was heard from inside, meaning Tails was in the middle of something.

Then the door swung open.

"(Y-Y/N)?" Tails said while wiping his forehead.

(Y/N) was shivering like a leaf and had her hand on her arm with a face that said 'sorry' written all over it.

"H-hey Tails... " she said quietly.

Tails was in awe, his friend that has been missing for a while has just shown up on his workshop door step. Not only that she was hardly wearing any clothes, no shoes, and very dirty from being thrown in the dirt.

Tails' eyes began to water as he hugged the small (A/T) with all the strength he had left, considering he was a bit weak from the sudden surprise..

"(Y-Y/N) what happened to you?! Where have you been?! Come inside you must be freezing!" Tails brought his arm around your shoulder and pulled you inside.

~•Time Skip•~

"What happened to you (Y/N)? And I want the truth... " Tails sat down on the couch across from you and folded his arms.

(Y/N) gripped the blanket that was wrapped around her shoulders.

Tails noticed her shaken figure and didn't wanna make you feel worse.

"Hey.. Hey.. Hey.. Come here.. " Tails got up and hugged you tightly.

(Y/N) began to cry softly into the fluffy foxes chest.

"T-tails.... P-please.. I don't wanna be here anymore... I just wanna... Die.. " (Y/N) began to sob more as she gripped the little fox even tighter.

Tails began to stroke the small (A/T)'S hair.

"(Y/N) what are you saying.....? Who made you feel like this....? Ugh.. No matter... I promise no one will ever treat you horrible or even touch you as long as I'm here okay..? " Tails said quietly.

"Th-thank you Tails.. " (Y/N) said as she slowly fell into a deep slumber.

~•Time Skip•~

Tails had brought you up to his room and set you down on the bed to sleep. Smiling that he finally got to see his best friend again, Tails kissed her forehead gently and walked to the kitchen to call someone.

Sonic and Silver



Sonic: Hello?

Tails: Sonic? Wow.. I'm surprised to see you awake at this hour..

Sonic: Yeah I know-- What did you call for Tails..?

Tails: Okay is Silver awake?

Sonic: Yes.. Why?

Tails: Put me on speaker.. I need to tell you guys something..

~•A small lil time Skip•~

Silver: So (Y/N) is alive?

Sonic: Silver she was never technically dead....

Silver: Yeah but we haven't seen her in like 4 months.. Don't you think it's surprising how she just showed up on Tails' door step like that...?

Tails: Guys focus..

Sonic and Silver: Right..

Tails: We need to help her get used to being around us again.. She even told me how she wanted to die earlier..

Sonic: What?! That's unusual even for her...

Silver: Well what do you want us to do Tails..?

Tails: okay I have an idea but if I tell you guys, you can't get out of control and be around her all the time because that will get her anxious and nervous..

Silver and Sonic: Got it..

Tails: Alright so here's the plan....


Ohhh cliffhanger! Well sorry for the late and slow updates, but I'm slowly getting there but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I am slowly getting more and more ideas for this book so stay tuned!!

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