Info on OC

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I will always start my fanfictions with this, unless it's told by on of the characters in the anime, (which is highly unlikely) there won't be this. Toodles!

Name: Shiro Niji {[First (White)] [Last (Rainbow)]}

Nicks: Shicchi (As you can tell, by Kise), Shi-kun (By Momoi)

Alias: Demon of the Miracles

Age: 16 (Ok, lemme just put it out here...BUT WHY THE HECK ARE THEY GODDAMN 16 WHEN THEY'RE IN HIGH SCHOOL?!?! I MEAN LIKE, WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK. sorry, just had to put it out there)

Height: 5'7" (yes, I deliberately made him one inch taller than Kuroko xD)


Hair color: White

Hair style: Doesn't really do anything with it, it's all natural~

Eye color: Gold

Wears: If not the jersey, he is usually seen with a white T-shirt with a sweater tied around his waist. When it's cold, he wears it and the hood has cat ears. Sweatpants? Oh, and he always has headphones, either on his head or around his neck. It's very rare for him to not have it on him, besides playing. Shoes are either Nike, Adidas or Air Jordan, never anything else and he can't choose or pick a favorite. He just can't.

Birthday: August 10 (Leo)

Teiko (former)
Seirin (current)

Position: (I don't know this kind of stuff a lot so I'ma just say all of em. Like, anyone of them)

Jersey number: 14 (I say screw it, can someone tell me if you can use the number 1?? Cuz I'm hella confuzzled)

Misdirection (Despited being eye-catching, he can turn his presence on and off, usually scaring people like that instead)
Demon's Eyes (This allows Shiro to temporarily go into the ZONE forcefully, but it only lasts 5 minutes)
Vanishing Drive
God's Eyes (These pair of eyes allow him to copy someone, like Kise, but more like anyone, and for about 10 minutes, including people from the GOM and he just needs to look at them)
Dragon's Eyes (This is an advanced version of Eagle's and Hawk's eyes, it can not only see what's inside the court, but outside as well, stealing info on the opponents reserves. This only lasts a second and can be used once, so it must be used wisely)
Speed and Agility
Animal Instinct

BI: Can we skip this? Sure, why not!

Personality: Shiro has white hair, which the color can easily meld with others. That's just like him, he can easily make friends and is always there to help, even when you don't need it. He is extremely optimistic and is like the glue that holds the team together. Back in Teiko, he would give sweets to Murasakibara, discuss zodiac and fate with Midorima, plays against Aomine when he's bored, hangs out with Kise, reassures Kuroko and helps Momoi with her info. Akashi also sometimes allow him to help with the team play and strategies. He just wishes to spread happiness and joy wherever he goes! He also knows Chimei...

Likes: Making people happy, basketball, the GOM, people who don't give up (Like Kagami) and enjoying the little things in life

Dislikes: People who give in too easily, sad people, tennis (he just hates it and not because he's not good at it, he just doesn't like it), people owing him and bakas (Bakagami and Ahomine are an exception)

I believe that is it! Hopefully you'll want to read and psst! I'm gonna reveal Chimei's last name in here! Ciao!


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