Part 4: She faces the consequences

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Part 4: She faces the consequences

I returned home from my birthday “vacation” two weeks later. I was still depressed and I missed Blake with all my heart. The friend that took me on the trip, Nancy, was my shoulder to cry on. I told her about everything that happened and the first question she asked me was: “Was he any good?” That is Nancy for you, her mind stays I the gutter. After that though she chastised me for being so stupid and comforted me as I cried my eyes out. I was a lot more emotional lately, but that was probably I was due for Mother Nature’s gift soon.  I had gotten off the crimson wave about two weeks before I had met Blake, so I should have already started by now, but sometimes im late so I just shrugged it off.

When I got back I was hardly welcomed home with open arms, just angry scowls and accusing faces, especially from my “loving” fiancé Princeton.

He roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. I know that is going to leave a bruise. “Where have you been, huh? You got us looking all over god’s green earth for you and you can’t even bother to call somebody?” He slapped me across the face so hard I landed on the ground, then he spit on my crumpled form.

“Let that be a lesson. Try me again, I dare you,” He said then walked away with my father, who couldn’t care less about me. I looked over at my mother who looked away from me like she hadn’t seen anything. I got myself up from the ground with the help of Nancy, who had an angered expression on her face, when she came in with my bag to see me on the floor.

She looked like she wanted to do something but I just looked over at her and shook my head, knowing that her interference would just make the beatings worse. She shook her head and sighed, helping me to my room, and cleaning me up once we got up there.

Just as she was about to say something, I felt sick, and I ran to the bathroom, throwing up everything I ate that day. Nancy ran in and held my hair back, then handed me my toothbrush with a worried expression on her face. I brushed my teeth and used mouthwash, then turned to see her pacing.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her. She stopped pacing and turned to me.

“Did you and Brett use protection?” I looked at her strangely.

“His name is Blake. And I don’t know, I think so. I mean, why wouldn’t he? Why are you even asking me this?” I was so confused. What does Blake have to do with anything? Unless she thinks-

“Oh no, I’m not pregnant!” I tell her.

“How do you know that? You are not on yet, though you should be; you are throwing up; you’re extra emotional. What else could it be?!” I was starting to get worried because she was right. But I really didn’t want her to be right.

“Stress maybe? I don’t know! But not everything that happens to me automatically has to mean I am pregnant!” I was so stressed out right now. What happens if I am pregnant? What am I going to tell everybody when I give birth to a half Italian baby?! What would Princeton do to me?! What would he do to the baby?!

I was starting to hyperventilate.

“Calm down, we don’t know for sure. We just need to secretly make a doctor’s appointment and find out for sure,” says Nancy, forever the voice of reason.

“Juliet! Get down here and make me some food!” I heard Princeton call from downstairs.

I know one thing for sure. If I am pregnant, I definitely can’t stay here.

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