Chapter Fifteen~Magic

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I apologize for the below chaotic scene placer...

~Earlier This Day. While Sang is Sleeping in Silas's Car. A Report.~

"I love her." Victor announced with such strength in his voice, as if he refused for anyone to doubt him, and doubt him they did.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Nathan swore, "You can't be in love, you just barely met her."

Victor's emotions wouldn't be cast aside so easily though, and his eyes burned flames, "You can't tell me that you don't see it-that you don't feel it. Since the very first second I saw her I've become enthralled. She's the sweetest girl I've ever known and the fact that she's my soulmate only justifies what I feel. You can't have missed how she acts so shy but is as protective as North. The way her head cocks to the side and her finger moves to her lip when she's unsure. Everything about her clicks into me, like a missing part of a puzzle. I bet she clicks into you too."

"Hero worship." Kota announced, his face a statue of stone, "She's been saving our lives for over ten years, it's gratitude. It must be that, either than or infatuation."

"No," Victor denied once more, "I've been infatuated before, and none of my emotions are from her helping us. Some people wear their heart on their sleeves, but Sang wears her soul on hers, and it'd be impossible not to love her for it. Don't get me wrong, the entire situation is crazy and even Sang herself can't accept it, but there's no way in hell that I'm going to try to find a way out of this. I'm on board, a hundred percent."

"I am too." Dr. Green announced, serious as well but with warmth in his eyes, "It'd be impossible to not fall in love with her giggles, and I want to hear more of them. We might have to spend some time convincing her to be apart it, but every struggle will be worth it if she can be in our life."

"Do you think it's some sort of spell or magic that's making us feel this way?" Gabriel asked quietly, he felt the draw much like Victor, Silas, and Dr. Green, but was hesitant at admitting it, fearing it might be a trick or joke. He didn't want to love someone only to loose them again. If Sang got it wrong and it was only Victor and Dr. Green being her soulmate he didn't want that slap in the face.

"Oh course it fucking is." North boomed, "There's no way in hell that this is natural."

"We need more information." Mr. Blackbourne determined, "It was Dr. Roberts who told Miss Sorenson about it in the first place, we need to talk to him and have him give us more details."

"I'll call him." Dr. Green said before stepping away with his phone to his ear.

"Logically speaking it doesn't make sense." Kota announced meeting as many people in the eye as he could, "There's one of her and nine of us. There's not even enough days in the week to give each person a day."

"I don't want to share her either." Nathan said, adamant about this, "I couldn't stand it, knowing that she might have just been making out with one of you before she's passed to me. I can't do it."

"She's not an object to be passed around," Luke reminded, almost snapping at him, "Sharing her as you say doesn't bother me, if she is in fact soulmates with all of us, she'll love me just as much as anyone of you. As long as I have her love, I'm fine."

"We're sixteen!" North reminded, "How the hell are you thinking about this? Why share a girl when there's millions out there? We don't have to share, it's not normal."

"We have to all love her or loose her." Mr. Blackbourne announced after hearing everyone's opinion, "Yesterday at lunch I heard Miss Sorenson's side of the conversation when Dr. Roberts was talking to her. Miss Sorenson herself said it wasn't normal, but not once did she say that she couldn't do it. She didn't want to tell us, she said that even if it was true, it wouldn't change anything. If we don't all decide in the affirmative, I have no doubt that Miss Sorenson will once more run away from us like she did yesterday. She wouldn't want to tear us apart."

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