Chapter Four~Bombs and Bleachers

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Thursday morning came quick but slow at the same time. Each hour passed by at a miserable pace, with every minute lasting ten, full of twiddling my thumbs and deep thinking. However as Wednesday night was over and Thursday morning arrived, I couldn't wish more for time to turn back.

That Wednesday night, I'd found a place to sleep amongst a small grove of trees away from the road and any houses. Afterwards, I'd hid my money around in different places, using my useless ripped shirt that I'd flown in to wrap the money up in so it wouldn't get destroyed. I'd dug numerous holes around the town, most surrounding Goose Creek where Ashely Waters was, and placed a few small wads of cash in each hole. While I didn't want to count the money, I estimated I had at least half a million, maybe a little more or less. I hadn't been able to steal all of Marie's money, but in hundred dollar bills, five hundred thousand dollars was nothing more but a few small handfuls. I made sure to hide the holes I'd dug carefully so they weren't noticeable even in the slightest-or so I hoped. It was only my perfect memory that would allow me to find them again.

On my person I kept with me three hundred dollars, with it I planned to buy some more clothes that weren't as worn down as well as some more food. The crackers and water I'd brought with me were almost gone and I was determined to put back the weight I had lost. The more I could blend in and look forgettable, the better.

Today, at school I planned to watch the boys from afar as well as scope out the demon, Greg. There was no guessing what he would do, and while I hadn't had a vision since my Chosen had been attacked by him and the other bullies, I was still anxious wondering what Greg would do next.

After school, I'd either follow Greg, or one of the other boys if I could before going shopping. I'd gain too much attention if I continued to wear the same three outfits in a row. A few more outfits and I'd be set.

But as the sky started to light up even before the sun rose I couldn't help but feel anxious.

All the sudden, my plans seemed spontaneous and ill thought. I'd already met both Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne, and they'd talked to me. They even had made me laugh. That wasn't what I was supposed to do, I was supposed to be keeping an eye on them from afar, not becoming apart of their friend group. My Chosen were way too observant, and if I ended up on their radar I had no doubt that they'd figure out all my secrets. They had been trained to be basically spies after all.

I wasn't sure how to avoid their detection while simultaneously watching over them. If they were anything, they were smart, and I could see them pieces me together in a week if I wasn't incredibly cautious.

Most of the night I'd struggled to sleep despite being sleep deprived. Every time I woke, I checked the position of the moon to see how much longer I could sleep. Without an alarm clock-or Marie's-to wake me up, I had to use my internal one.

I'd estimate I gave up on sleeping an hour ago, creating dozens of plans on what to do in every situation. Now though, I busied myself with finger combing my hair so I could lock it away in a bun with a hair clip. While angels never had to deal with such humane things such as body odor, smelly breath, sweating, and greasy hair we still had to bathe to get off any dirt we had on us.

Generally I could get away with bathing once a week, but now that I was sleeping on a dirt bed I'd need to do it more often. I was lucky schools had showers in locker rooms. As an added bonus I had gym last period meaning I could shower then after everyone else left. In this case, fate was on my side.

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