Chapter Two~Demons

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*Some events in the original series have changed dates dramatically due to an insane fan fiction author.

When I awoke, the door to the chest freezer was wide open letting out the cold air. My eyebrows pressed together for a moment before realizing someone must have opened it. After my twenty four hours of torture, I passed out into a dead man's sleep, the house could burn down with me in it and I wouldn't even stir.

I blinked wearily, still tired despite the unknown hours of sleep I'd gotten. I yawned covering my mouth with my hand before rubbing my eyes. I was lucky it was summer, otherwise I would have missed a lot of school. Although, even during the school year I missed a lot of school, but for whatever reason my Chosen put themselves in the most danger during the summer.

It was never a problem for me to miss school, Angels, no matter what kind, were naturally smart and talented. I never needed to study, because I remembered every piece of information and every whisper of words. It was a pleasurable talent when taking a test, but a grimacing curse at the same time because I could never forget a single beating my mother gave me.

With shaky wobbly hands I curled my hand around the lip of the freezer using it to pull myself up. My legs refused to support me and I leaned against the freezer, using it to hold my weight for me. I moved one foot over the edge of freezer before falling with a disgraceful thud out of the cold machine. My hands shot out to catch myself and I barely managed to keep from cracking my head open on the cement floor.

I whimpered in distress but knew I needed to get back into my room where I would be safe. Mother would be annoyed I was still down here, when I could be cleaning something. I dragged myself painstakingly slow up the stairs, having to take breaks constantly with my weak body. I wanted nothing more than to sleep, yet I forced myself to stay awake. If I could get to my room, I could rest.

"Sang!" I heard mother yell when I was almost to the top of the stairs, "Sang!" She shouted again, "Come make dinner you useless whore!"

I almost broke into sobs but instead closed my eyes letting out a defeated, "Coming!" My voice was small, almost broken and inaudible from all my screaming, but with my mother's Angelic hearing, she would easily be able to hear me.

Knowing I didn't have long to get to the kitchen before she decided to punish me, I made myself get upstairs without pausing again. I was panting, my eye lids drooping heavily. How was I supposed to make dinner in my state?

She was waiting for me impatiently in the living room, a bathrobe wrapped around her, tied at the waist. Her hair was a disarray, and I wondered when she'd last completed her hygienic rituals-not that I was much better. There were large saggy bags underneath her eyes, which peered at me with both anger, and tiredness.

Guilt came to me, "Did I keep you awake mother?" I asked softly, knowing that my screams of pain probably did keep her awake. I felt bad for disturbing her, I'd make her an extra special dinner just to make up for it, it was after all my fault for being a freak.

"Yes." She snapped, "Marie too. You should just be grateful your father isn't here or he'd toss you outside into the cellar!" It was true, but mother would do it first, I wonder why she didn't? Too much effort?

I frowned nonetheless, knowing I was one of the main reasons for her rumpled appearance, "I'm sorry." I told her, meaning every word.

She rolled her eyes not believing me, and waved her hand at the kitchen silently reminding me of how I could make it up to her. I humiliatingly crawled past her, dragging myself at some points and a blush filled my cheeks, I was no better than a child.

When I'd made it into the kitchen my eyes widened at the state it was in. The cupboards were all open and food spilled from them. A large stack of dishes were in the sink and stains covered the floor. I'd just cleaned the kitchen before my punishment, how'd it get so messy again? Then I realized that it was probably Marie's doing, she had the oddest habit of being a complete slob despite mother's desire for a tidy house.

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