Chapter Six

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After lunch had ended, the three of us broke away from the large crowd--that mainly consisted of Hunter's gawkers--and headed towards the stairs. Just as we were about to head down, Ashton stopped us.

"I should probably get going," he said as he checked his watch. "My next class is on the other side of the building." He looked at Hunter and smiled. "It was nice meeting you, Hunter."

"Likewise," Hunter said, giving him a smile in return.

"I will see you both after school," he yelled as he was leaving.

We both waved and bid him farewell. Ashton kept waving back until he rounded the corner. We made our way down the stairs and towards my locker. I would have said ours, but Hunter didn't use her space on the bottom, seeing how she didn't carry around any supplies.

"Tell me, how do you expect to do well in school if you refuse to carry your books?"

"I'll look off of yours," Hunter replied steadily, as if the answer was obvious.

After getting everything in order, I closed my locker and turned to her. "Yes, but that arrangement only extends so far. You may be my Forever Guardian," I said, smiling sweetly, as I tenderly stroked her cheek, "but I will not condone cheating."

"Noted," Hunter said, somewhat distracted.

Her eyes flashed, and then I found myself pressed tight to her form.

I laughed, a little struck at her boldness. "Feisty, aren't we?"

"Forgive me," Hunter said, her cheeks flushing pink, "but I can barely control myself when I'm around you."

Hunter kissed me on the lips, and she managed to back me into the lockers without interrupting.

"Aren't you pushing what your father said?" I managed to say through a groan as Hunter redirected her attention to my neck.

Hunter simply growled. Any other form of talking was silenced when she kissed me again, so I took the hint to just shut up and enjoy it. And I did. For a moment.

Lockers had there own wing, and the teachers rarely came to this side of the building, but I still freaked out a little when I heard someone clear their throat. Hunter jumped back, and I was able to see who it was.

"Alyson," I gasped, suddenly feeling very sick in the stomach.

Alyson didn't greet me. She wasn't even looking at me. She was scowling and glaring menacingly at Hunter.

"What are you doing?" Alyson said to Hunter, low and threatening.

"I don't know what you mean," Hunter replied curtly, "but if you are inquiring about what you were just witnessing, then I do believe that I made my intentions very clear."

"Hunter-" I tried to warn her, but then Alyson was standing close to her, and seduction was far from her mind.

"You need to stay away from Cassidy."

"Why?" Hunter retorted, getting in Alyson's face and baring her sharp teeth, and to her credit, Alyson didn't even flinch. "There doesn't have to be a problem. I've already informed Cassidy that I was willing to share."

"To share?" Alyson echoed in disbelief. She looked at Hunter like she was borderline insane, and she barked out a humorless laugh. "You've got a lot of nerve."

When Alyson roughly shoved Hunter, I shouted, "Alyson, stop!" but Alyson shoved her again, and Hunter stumbled back.

Hunter was growling, now, but so was Alyson, and the tension between them was so frazzled, so chaotic that I didn't dare to intervene. Not yet.

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