Chapter 5: The Letter.

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     That was the strangest Divination class I've had yet, and that's saying a lot considering Trelawney teaches that class. She is the weirdest teacher I've ever had, but today was exceptionally curious. She has never told me that I would be in danger. I, and everyone else, was used to her telling Harry he was the one in trouble. She had a thing for telling people their future consisted of pain, danger, or tragic losses. I don't know what was up with her, but that's the way she loved to "predict" things. I put some thought into it, though. She wasn't the only one saying that I was in danger. Well, she wasn't the only one who thought I was in danger. I thought more and more about what both Draco and professor Trelawney said, but the more I thought about it, the less sense it made to me.

     I made my way to the Slytherin common room to get the letter. I saw Draco with his friends, Crabbe and Goyle, and he smiled and waved. I gave him a weak smile and walked over to the bookshelf. I pretended to read the book I selected and waited for Draco to come over. Finally he did and we started to talk.

"You know you're holding that book upside-down, right?" he said, smirking at me.

"What? No I'm not!" I said intensively, checking the book. It wasn't upside-down...but I knew that!

"Only joking." he laughed. I punched his arm, playfully, and he smiled at me again. I pulled the letter out of the middle of the book. Draco looked at me curiously and asked why I hid it in the book. 

"What if someone found it? I mean, it has your name on it...and it's in parseltounge!" He said shaking his head.

"Draco," I began, giggling. "Who in the Slytherin house, other than me, would really read a book about muggle history. Who do you think would even pick up a book that had the word muggle on it in this house?" He shrugged his shoulders and said said "Fair enough, I certainly wouldn't!" then asked me If I would go to the library with him. I said yes and we began walking out of the common room, through the portrait hole. We saw Pansy on the way and she scowled at me. I laughed at her and waved sarcastically. Draco and I laughed about how mad she got for several minutes until Snape came up to us.

"Where are you two going...together?" Snape said, looking confused. He looked back and forth between Draco and I for a brief second until Draco spoke. Then his attention was focused on Draco only.

"To the library, sir." breathed Draco. Snape looked even more confused.

"And what exactly would you be doing in a library? I never knew you cared for books...or doing your own homework."

"Reading, sir! What else? We're not going to do homework, or to do anything...except read!" I said. Snape snapped his head towards me and grinned weakly. I smiled at him and his expression went back to it's normal nothing.

"Lay off the sarcasm, miss Bodford. Or you'll find yourself in detention...doing nothing except homework!" He looked at the both of us again before walking away. Draco laughed at me and I whispered "Shut up!" We walked the rest of the way (it wasn't very far) laughing.

     As we entered the library, still laughing, we bumped into Harry. He looked at me with squinted eyes as if he were confused. He asked why I was with Draco and I told him the truth. We were friends now. Draco and I were actually pretty close friends. I'm not the type of person that lies for no reason. I was friends with both Harry and Draco, and I planned on leaving it at that. He saw the letter in my hand and he gave me a sympathetic look. I told him we would talk about it later. As he walked out of the library he hugged me, then simply nodded at Draco and said "Malfoy." through gritted teeth. Draco did the same, only, obviously, he said "Potter."

"Blimey, Draco! Why do you two hate each other so much?" I said sitting down at a table. He ignored the question so I handed him the letter. He was hesitant to open it, but I insisted. "Oh, Draco! You made such a fuss over it before...what's the big to-do now?" He looked at me with worried eyes, so I just sat down next to him. He opened the letter and It began to speak. I don't know why he bothered listening to it. He couldn't understand anything it was saying. He looked at it, then replayed the message. After listening to if for what seemed to be like hours(he only listened three times), he dropped the envelope. He looked at me and asked me what it said. I didn't answer at first. I was still shocked that he listened to it three times. That's quite a lot, even if you do understand it. I had only heard it twice, but the second time was because Harry, Hermione and Ron made me. Today was my third time hearing it, and the more you listen the less you understand. Draco looked at the letter again and said, firmly, but understandingly, "Renai, what did it say?"

" I have to repeat it?" I asked, looking down at my wand that was laying there on the table.

"Well, it would be helpful. Considering I can't understand it and all!" Draco replied sarcastically. I gave a weak laugh as I stood up, fixing my robes. I sighed and picked up the letter from the table. I paused for a second and decided I stall for as long as I could.

"You know...I'm supposed to be leaving tomorrow! I've no clue when I'll be back...could be days!" I looked down at him and grinned. He wasn't buying it. He looked up at me and began to speak.

"Renai, stop stalling. I know you're supposed to leave, and I know it could be days," he said laughing. He motioned me to sit back down and I did. "will you please let me know what it says?" He finished. I couldn't say no to him, so I opened the letter, yet again.

 I wrote down everything the letter said and let Draco read it afterwards. It took around five minutes to write everything down, because I kept messing up. Nothing unusual, I was always messing up. After I had gotten everything written down I handed the parchment to Draco.

 Renai Bodford,

Do you know who your father was? Did you ever know what your mother was truley capable of? Did you're parents ever mention Faeyrn to you? Of course not, you were always protected. You were barricaded from what you're destined to be. Renai, Renai, Renai, how ignorant you are. You never learn do you? Your dreams are not really dreams, you know. I've planted them in your mind, letting you see what I am capable of...what you are capable of. But you never seem to understand. You're very smart, very witty, but my dear Renai, you are so very ignorant! I hope that one day you will see yourself the way I see you...powerful. I see in you what your parents had failed to see. I see the ambition. The hunger to prove yourself worthy of anything. I see that you are fearful of isolation, and that you never want to be alone again. I've seen all of that in you when others failed to see it. And I can assure you of all you've ever wanted...but you have to trust me. That's another thing you have issues with isn't it. Trust is a very fragile thing and the ones you love are the ones who always break it! I hope this message to you hasn't been too elusive. Good day to you Renai.

"What," said Draco looking at the paper confused. "What does that mean? How are you witty, but ignorant. How are you...what?" He handed me the parchment and I skimmed over it. I was at a loss for words for a brief minute. Then I looked at him, shrugged my shoulders and whispered "I don't know." He suggested we go to the Great Hall because dinner was starting in fifteen minutes. So we made our way down there, and on they way we bumped into Pansy. This was an awful way to proceed my day.

"Hello, you two!" She said in that annoying voice of hers. I scowled at her and she chuckled. She looked down at the parchment that was still in my hand and snatched it.

"GIVE IT BACK, YOU GIT!" I snapped as she waved the parchment in the air.

"Calm down, Renai! You're drawing attention!" Draco said as he tried to persuade Pansy. I tried to calm down, but man I really hated her.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" I said, waving my wand in the air. The note floated back towards me and I firmly grasped it. Pansy looked at me in shock as if I didn't know the spell. I smiled as I walked away with Draco, making sure I was extra close to him, because I know she hated that! The rest of the day went by without any troubles. At around nine o'clock I started to pack my things for my going home the next day. As I was finishing up I heard a knock at the window, It was a school owl. I wandered what the message could be considering the owl came from the same place I was in. What was up with all the letters? I opened the window and let the screech owl in. It landed on my nightstand and stretched out its right leg. I untied the string and retrieved the letter. The owl looked at me, waiting for me to feed it.

"I don't have any food for you, so get going!" I said, gesturing the owl towards the window. It nipped my finger, a little hard, I might say.

"Stupid bird!" I whispered as I opened the letter. It was from Neville Longbottom. "What does he want?" I said, proceeding to read the letter.


If you can, before you leave, please come talk to me. It's really important!



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