Chapter 2: The Accident.

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     Draco and I continued to talk for days after our walk to the Great Hall. We would sit together in class and make jokes about people we both hated. It was all going great until he called Hermione a mudblood. When he said that I got so angry. I went off on him for it, but the good thing is he hasn't called her, or anyone else, a mudblood since. I felt bad for for getting angry at him for doing something wrong. It seems like that's all anyone ever does. I apologized to him, and he accepted my apology. I still felt bad for yelling at him. I've never really raised my voice to anyone before. Since then he hasn't talked to me as much. That girl from my dormitory was loving every minute of it. She spent more time with Draco and made sure I noticed it. Gosh, what is her name?

     PANSY! That's her name. Pansy Parkinson! Oh, I was going to get her back. But I wasn't going to use Draco to do it. That would be to easy, to cliche! Maybe I would give her a pug's tail. I mean, she already looks like one. Why not help her out? Ugh, what am I thinking? Hexing her is NOT the answer, but it sure seemed like a good guess! I'll just forget about it. Maybe everything will work its self out.

"Hey, Renai. Sorry about your dad. I heard about his accident. I hope your family will be okay!" Hermione said. I didn't know what she was talking about. My mind was in a million different places right now. Just after Hermione hugged me and walked away I got a note. It was handed to me by professor McGonagall. It was a note from Dumbledore. It read,

     Dear Renai Bodford,

I regret to inform you that your father has been in a terrible accident. I need to see you in my office, have McGonagall escort you here. You will be permitted to return home for one week, excused from all absences. You will leave, hopefully, the day after tomorrow. Meet me here, in my office, after your next class. Please don't let this note distract you from your school work.

                                                                       Sincerely, Albus Dumbledore.

     I was so unfocused the whole time in my Potions class. Ron kept asking me what was wrong because apparently I kept shaking. Hermione started to ask questions too. I knew they all figured that it was my father's accident (that I didn't even know about) making me shaky and nervous. I didn't notice it. I guess Draco noticed it because Harry asked me about him staring.

"Why does Malfoy always stare at you? It's getting kind of weird!" Harry scratched his head and handed Hermione a book.

"Harry, I don't know what you're talking about...He doesn't even talk to me that much anymore." I looked down at my cauldron and pretended to observe it. Harry just shrugged his shoulders and went back to whatever he was doing. I was so tempted to look over at Draco, then suddenly the temptation got to strong to fight. I looked over and, to no surprise, Draco was looking at me. He looked worried. Did everyone know about my dads accident...except for me? Harry, Hermione, Ron, Seamus, Crabbe, Goyle (I've never known their first names), and even Draco knew! But I didn't. Not until professor McGonagall gave me that note. I just couldn't wait for the class to be over.

     Draco came over to me about five minutes after we made that awkward eye contact. He sat down beside of me and just looked at me for a second. I didn't know what was going on with my dad, but I think he knew exactly what it was. He placed his hand under my chin and turned my face towards his. He looked at me for a second, and I swear he was going to kiss me but he just hugged me. I'm glad he did. I needed a hug, really badly. It was awkward because everyone was staring at us and Pansy made a gagging sound. Draco scowled and told her off. I punched his arm and whispered "Draco, not now." He looked at me and laughed. I started to laugh too and everything went back to normal. Professor Slughorn dismissed the class, and I ran to find professor McGonagall. I eventually found her and she took me to Dumbledore.

"I'm terribly sorry about your father, miss Bodford." She had a look of sympathy in her eyes.

"Um...professor...what exactly happened. Everyone but me seems to know. Why was I not informed first?" my voice was shaky, and I looked down at my shoes.

"Dear, I'm afraid it's not my place to tell you that. I assure you Dumbledore will tell you everything you need to know." She faced the gargoyle statue and raised her arms. She said something that sounded like "Lemon drop" and the statue started to spin. As a staircase appeared McGonagall gestured that I go up the stairs. I took a deep breath and started to walk. As I entered Dumbledore's office I noticed someone else was in the room. It was Lucius Malfoy.

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