Chapter 4: What's Going On Here?

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"Wh-what do you mean I'm in danger?" I felt as though I would be sick. I knew this had something to do with Volde... He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Draco still looked like he was on the verge of crying, again. He was staring at his shoes, pretending to fix his sleeves. He was silent for a while, and I just scanned the room. The fire was dying out so I decided to get up and throw some wood into the flames. Draco got up and followed me. He turned me around and pulled me into a hug. The room was empty of any other people and the only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the fire and our faint breathing. It was nice to be hugging Draco. He placed his head on top of mine and whispered something. I couldn't hear him again, so I just ignored it.

"Draco. Will you please tell me what's wrong? Why am I in danger? What did I do?" I said as I pulled away from him. I looked him in the eyes and he let go of me. I wish he wouldn't have. I felt safer being in his arms. He looked down quickly and then started to speak.

"I know this has something to do with Voldemort-"

"Please don't say his name. I can't stand to hear it. Not after he had my mother killed." I looked past him at the wall and tried not to cry. I never talked about her. I was only six when she died, but she meant so much to me. She was my mother, my best friend, me everything. My father was always "working" but now I knew he was up to something with Lucius Malfoy. I grew closer to my father after mum died, but I was never the same. As a teenager I started to get into trouble a lot, and mouth people off. I still do, to be honest.

"He...he had your mum killed?" a look of shock appeared on his face. "But...he disappeared for almost twelve years, after...after Harry survived." He looked confused. Bloody hell, today has been a very confusing day!

"Draco. Do you really believe he went away. Just because he wasn't strong enough to show himself doesn't mean he wasn't strong enough to give orders!" I looked at him again. "I mean, really! Everyone knows that low life Peter Pettigrew did everything You-Know-Who said, I can't believe everyone thought it was Sirius Black that did any of it. I was actually shocked when all of the Death Eaters returned to their normal lives. They seemed to be so loyal to the dark lord. Of course now that he's really back they've all pleaded for forgiveness. How could anyone stand to be near him? He's a monster!" Draco went and sat down on a sofa by the fire. I followed, and sat next to him. He was staring at the fire, not saying anything.

"What? What is is, Draco, what did I say?" I was worried. I don't know what I said wrong!

" didn't say anything, Renai. Look, I really need to know what that letter says. Can I read it?" He seemed to be getting uncomfortable. "Please, Renai?"

"You don't read it. It talks. But Dumbledore said it was in a language called parseltounge. I thought it sounded like plain English. He said the only other person that understood it was Harry. He couldn't believe I understood it. I mean, I couldn't either! I didn't even know what a parselmouth was!"

"Uh., you're a parselmouth? Well. I didn't know that!"

"Yeah, neither did I!" I looked back at the fire. I thought to myself, I didn't know a lot anymore! Draco bent over, placed his elbows on his knees and ran his fingers through his hair. He sighed and then looked at me. He looked like he was about to say something really important but then suggested that we go to sleep.

"Look," Draco said. "It's getting pretty late, and you've been through a lot today. Maybe we should get some rest and try to work this out tomorrow. I think that would be best." He gave me a weak smile and then looked away.

"You don't know how beautiful you are, do you?" He smiled again, and I couldn't help but smile with him. I felt my cheeks turn red and he smirked again.

"And you're bloody adorable when you blush!" Of course that made my cheeks turn an even darker shade of red. We both stood up and he walked with me up the stairs. I knew he was trying to distract me and make me feel a little bit better, but my mind was scattered everywhere. Once we reached the top of the stairs he hugged me and all of a sudden my mind was focused on one thing. Draco Malfoy. Gosh, I really fancied him. I walked into the girls' dormitories and he walked into the boys'. He sure had a way of making everything feel better, even when things weren't getting better at all.

     I made my way to the Great Hall for breakfast the next morning and Pansy was giving me the most evil look I've ever seen her give. I was thinking she probably saw Draco and I hug last night. Oh I hope she heard him call me beautiful! That would be so great. I wanted her to feel jealous. After all, she did the same to me! Fred Weasley, at least I think it was Fred, waved me over to sit with him and the rest of my friends at the Gryffindor table. I went over there and they all greeted me with smiles and hugs...except Harry. I didn't know what was wrong with him...and I didn't know if I wanted to find out. He looked furious. I asked Hermione what was wrong with him and she said she'd tell me later, when we weren't around a bunch of people.

     Professor McGonagall asked me to meet her in her class room immediately following Dumbledore's announcement. I was supposed to have a free period, but I guess that opportunity was out of the question. Breakfast seemed to go by so fast. Dumbledore's announcement was that a Quidditch match would be moved back two days due to weather. Harry, Ron, Fred and George seemed upset. I guess they really loved Quidditch because it was only two days. I made my way to McGonagall's class, but while I was walking I heard whispering. It was Lucius, and he was talking to Draco. I decided to crouch behind the corner of a wall and eavesdrop.

"I don't want you talking to Renai anymore, Draco!" said Lucius. Draco looked furious.

"Father, I don't know why you're acting like this, but there is nothing wrong with Renai!" He was still whispering, but it sounded like his voice was raising.

"Her family is nothing but trouble! Her father wasn't killed for no specific reason!" Lucius was no longer whispering, but he kept his voice low. Draco shoved his hands in his pockets and gave Lucius a foul look. I don't know what Lucius was talking about! Why was my family "nothing but trouble"? What I wanted to know most of all was why would he say that my father wasn't killed for no specific reason? I was starting to dislike Lucius Malfoy more and more each minute!

     Professor McGonagall saw me eavesdropping and called my name. Luckily Lucius didn't see me, but Draco did. He seen me wipe yet another tear from my eye and he looked down at the floor. His father then turned around and saw McGonagall and I walking down the hall. I'm not sure if he knew if it was me or not, but judging by the look on Draco's face he probably did. McGonagall looked at me and put her arm around my shoulder. She whispered to me that everything would be okay, but with the dark lord being involved, I wasn't so sure that it would be. We walked the rest of the way to her class in silence.

     She told me to sit in the chair placed right in front of her desk. I did as I was told and we were silent for a minute. She looked at me and sighed. I really thought what she was going to talk to me about was my father. Instead she asked me about my mother. She asked me if I ever got the chance to know what she did for a living. I was so conflicted by the question. I had always thought my mother worked for the Ministry of Magic with my father. Why is it that everyone seemed to know my family better than I did? I told her all that I knew and she let me go. I ended up being late for my Divination Class, but McGonagall wrote me a note.  Professer Trelawney still got mad at me. I've gotten used to that part though.  She handed me a cup and I shook the tea grounds. They made a weird shape in the bottom of the cup and when Trelawney saw it she gasped. She lost her grip on the cup and it shattered to pieces, leaving nothing but shards of glass on the floor. The tea grounds had evaperated. I asked Professer Trelawney what was wrong and she whipered the same thing Draco had last night.

"I think you're in danger!"


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