• Chapter 1 •

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Jacob Perez-August
January 12th, 2031

"You've taken really good care of your teeth"

The orthodontist, Dr. Figueroa said as she used pliers to remove the brackets from his teeth and I sat back, watching. He's almost 18 years old and he still wants me to hold his hand at the dentist. She scraped the glue off of his teeth and cleaned them before spraying his mouth with water.

  "Thanks," Jamie said with his mouth wide open "I tried to brush at lea–"

  "Shhh..." She shushed him and handed him a mirror. "Alright, you're almost done. While you take a look, I'll go get your new retainer."

  Once she returned, she put in his retainer while filling us in on what it would be like now that Jamie no longer has braces. "I know you're excited about not having braces anymore and that's normal but I don't want you to be left in the dark. I'm pretty sure you remember how the brackets used to cut at your lip–well now that their gone, you're gonna feel a few calluses which will eventually go away. Your teeth are gonna be very tender and sensitive but it shouldn't feel any different from getting your wires adjusted."

            "Is this my last appointment?"

  "Sadly, no. You're gonna have a few follow up appointments just so we can make sure that your retainer is doing its job and your teeth remain straight."

Chresanto soon walked in with our daughter who had just gotten her teeth cleaned across the hall.

I sighed lowly feeling myself get a little sad looking at my baby boy. My Jamie had grown up so fast and was about to be out on his own in a few months. I was truly scared for him because I know what it's like to be out in the world alone. All of the responsibilities and temptations can be hard on a person but I raised him and I know that he'll do right. It was such a bittersweet feeling. Both of my babies were growing up on me and will be taking their own kids to the dentist before we knew it.

  "Why couldn't they be toddlers forever? After awhile they won't need me anymore..." I pouted as Chresanto put his arm around me, kissing my forehead.

  "I'll always need you, Ma." Jamie looked back at me with a wide smile. He was so happy to finally have his braces off after having them for so long, he couldn't seem to keep his damn mouth closed. I watched my son walk next to his younger sister while Chresanto and I walked behind them, holding hands as we exited the dentist office.

  "I feel like a new man." He grinned, staring into his phone as he took pictures on Snapchat. Aside from getting his braces removed, Jamie had convinced us to let him try contacts. He was indeed feeling himself.

             "I can't wait to go to school tomorrow–"

     "–You're still a nerd, ugly." his little sister said, just raining on his parade.

"Shut up Nari, big headed self." He shoved her into one of the parked cars causing its alarm to sound off.

          "Your mama" she punched him.

                       I gasped, "Excuse me, little girl."

  She turned around with a nervous smile attempting to plead her case. "I didn't mean–um... No offense."

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