11 - Darkness Returns

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You were hazy. Your vision was clouded, and you had absolutely no idea where you had landed yourself. All you seemed to remember was the feeling of water entering your lungs as your vision was fading to black. You remember Brynjolf's voice being muffled as he scrambled in the water for you, and then everything cutting off from your senses from there.

You were outside. Yes, outside. The air was sharp, and the snow trickled onto your uncovered face.

Wait, uncovered? Where was your face mask? You felt around lazily for the piece of fabric that was supposed to cover your face for identity's sake. You found it tucked around your neck. At least it was better than lost. . .

Your body was bouncing up and down gradually, and you could hear the clomping of hooves as you progressed down the path you were heading. You were on the back of a horse on a cobblestone path. The question was: who was holding you close to them to keep you warm?

You looked up, seeing the uncovered face of Brynjolf. The slowly-deteriorating snow around you was cold enough for his breath to become a cloud, but the joyful smile that showed his white teeth was a definite contrast to the cold. His arms tightened around you as he held you closer to him.

"By the Eight, you're alright," he said, his voice delightful.

"W-Who pulled me out of the water? I swore I was sinking. . ." you murmured, nuzzling close to the man.

"Aye, you were. But I managed to get to you in time. . ." he replied with the same hushed voice. "Do me a favor though, lass."


He planted a relief-filled, hard kiss on your lips. "Don't ever scare me like that again."

You swallowed and you could feel the heat in your cheeks thaw out the stiff feeling the cold left behind. "I promise. . . I won't."

The Twilight Sepulcher. The place that had caused all of this trouble, just for you to come back and see what it had become after Mercer inflicted the chaos onto it. Brynjolf pushed open the doors, and you all came upon a dug-out tunnel. You followed the narrow path, but Brynjolf and Karliah remained outside. Then, at the end of the tunnel was a room. One that was grand, and quite large. Standing in the middle was a blue figure, probably one of the dead.

You ran down the middle path, but the spirit stopped you. You could see his figure stiffen, but then loosen. As if he was focusing. He pulled his hand back and looked at you.

"I don't know you, but I sense you're one of us. Who are you?" his soft voice echoed throughout the grand room.

"I'd ask the same question of you," you replied.

"The last of the Nightingale Sentinels, I'm afraid. I've defended the Sepulcher alone for what seems like an eternity."

"The last? What happened to the rest?"

"We've been betrayed by one of our own kind. In fact, I'm to blame for what's happened here."

"Why are you to blame?"

"I was blinded. Blinded by the dark treachery masquerading as friendship. Perhaps if I've been more vigilant, then Mercer Frey wouldn't have lured me to my fate and stolen the Skeleton Key."

Then the sudden realization hit you. Gallus. "Wait a moment. . . you're Gallus!"

"I haven't heard that name in a long time. How do you know of me?"

"I have the Key."

"The Key! You have the Skeleton Key! I'd never thought I'd see it again! And Mercer Frey?"

[Book 1] Skyrim: There's Something About You, Lass (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now