9 - Trinity Restored

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OH MY GOD THIS STORY HIT 1,000 VIEWS AND I WAS THERE TO WITNESS IT ALL HAPPEN <3! I'm honored. I didn't think you all would enjoy my story as much as you have been. I never thought this would be as successful as it has become. I would love to thank the people who have kept poking at me for updates, you all made it so that I wouldn't stop with the story. After a long while of lacking inspiration, I think I have finally found it once again.

I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I am enjoying writing it for all of you. Sorry I haven't updated. I've been busy and working my arse off doing different things. Ugh, I really am sorry. I hope this chapter makes up for my absence.



 You and Brynjolf were just about to climb up the ladder when you heard Karliah's voice call for your attention. You both turned around at the same time, noticing her standing in the platform in the middle of the cistern. You looked at each other, smiled in mild embarrassment at your mistake of where the woman might be, and began walking to the platform. Your boots clacked as they hit the stone ground, moving on the bridge and stopped in front of the Dark Elf. Brynjolf paused next to you, crossing his arms and remaining rather close to you.

"I promise you, all your questions will be answered. You just have to trust me," Karliah spoke.

"We do, Karliah," you replied.

"Aye, lass. And I've come to a decision," Brynjolf followed up with your comment. "Mercer Frey tried to kill both of you, he betrayed the Guild, murdered Gallus and made us question our future. He needs to die." He finished it so calmly that it made you get a mild chill up your spine.

"Then we have to be very careful, Brynjolf," you warned.

"Mercer is a Nightingale. An agent of Nocturnal," Karliah added.

"Then it's all true. . . everything I heard in the stories. The Nightingales, their allegiance to Nocturnal, and the Twilight Sepulcher," Brynjolf sighed with his realization.

"Yes. That's why we need to prepare ourselves and meet Mercer on equal footing," Karliah demanded. "Just outside of Riften, beyond the Southeast Gate is a small path cut up the mountainside. At the end of that path is a clearing, and an old standing stone. I'd ask you both to meet me there."

"Aye, we will," Brynjolf concluded. They both nodded to each other and Karliah turned away. She strode off to the ladder that lead to the exit, and you watched as the woman swiftly climbed up and disappeared into the world.

"I can't believe this is happening to us," Brynjolf said as he followed Karliah's steps slowly.

"What can't you believe, Bryn?" you asked, looking over at the red-head.

"As if we needed any more bad luck. The Guild was already at its lowest point, and Mercer had to push it down further."

"Things happen, Brynjolf. Not everyone can have the luck we hear about in stories," you concluded.

"I suppose you have a point, lass." Brynjolf gripped the ladder and climbed upward, you following behind.

He shoved the door upwards, climbing out with ease and pulling the handle that made the stone coffin pull back into the secret compartment that would lead to your exit. You watched as stone dragged against stone, and you made your way up the steps behind Brynjolf.

"Shall we head off?" Brynjolf questioned.

"Yes, we shall," you smiled cheerfully.

You both began to bound toward the Southeast Gate, remaining close to one another. The cold wind began to brush across your face, tossing your hair back as well as his. You shivered lightly, and were immediately greeted by your companion's arm.  You tucked it around your shoulders, holding onto Brynjolf as you two wandered. He smiled as you did so, nearing the place where Karliah had told you to meet.

[Book 1] Skyrim: There's Something About You, Lass (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now