Comes the Night

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I pulled into the driveway and noticed the house was unusually dark. I pulled my bag over my shoulder and jumped out of the car. The crickets were chirping loudly in the tall cat tails ahead and birds sang to the full moon. I walked up the front steps and noticed several packages stacked by the door. Strange. I made my way inside that house. Still everything was strangely quiet and I had to check to make sure my uncles car was still in the drive way. Yep there sat his Mustang but where was he. I walked over to his room and carefully opened the door and was applauded by what I saw.

My Uncle lay but naked face first into his bed, pretty much right where I had left him. Well minus that fact that he was butt naked and the fact that he was now holding a beer bottle in his right hand. What a drunk I thought to my self. He stirred in his sleep, bringing the beer bottle to his lips and sipping the slightest bit. Him and the smell of his room or more so pig sty were disgusting.

I left his room shutting his door with a bang not even caring he would probably wake up a minute later. I went to the kitchen and prepared something for me to eat before going up to my room.

Once the door was closed and locked, and my food was placed on the table, i walked into the closet and dressed in my comfiest clothes. "That could have you drunk in your room if I wanted it." the eerie voice that has haunted my for a few days now whispered into my ear. i whipped around but was greeted by nothing but air.

"Leave me alone, i'm not in the mood for your games today once is plenty enough." I said to nothing at all. A deep laugh erupted from some where in my room.

"We will play when I say we play. " He said and I felt something cold touch my shoulders.

I screeched and reeled backwards, "Don't touch me." I growl and crawl onto my bed.

He laughs again. "Oh Cupcake you are so sweet and oh so innocent." I felt as his dark presents left the room but not before he pressed a soft cold kiss to my cheek. I shivered with a sudden chill and more laughter came form upstairs. He was taunting me and he knew it.

I shook my head this wasn't happening not to me, not now, not here, no way in hell. I shook my head again and relieved all the tension that was knotting my stomach, back and thighs. I was still numb every where but t least most of the tension was gone.

I grabbed my bag and found my phone. It was off so I switched it on and found that I had few messages.

Cody message 1: Hey Addison this is Cody, the mover, and from the lake. Cody message 2: hey sorry you must be out or something it's Cody. Cody message 3: It's Cody again text me when you get a chance. I rolled my eyes, boys. I entered his Number into my phone and named it Cody :P .

Me: Hey it's Addison sorry I missed you earlier I was helping my uncle with something.He answers a second after I hit send.

Cody : Its okay I had to do something come up 2 :)

Me: Okay just making sure I didnt hurt your feelings :)

Cody: Well I guess its good I dont have any then :P

I laugh. Me: Funny.

Cody: I know I am.

ME : Okay whatever you say.

I shook my head what a cocky bastared.

Cody: I learned from the best. But enough about me I want to learn more about you and don't think I didn't notice you pushed the conversation away from you earlier. Is it okay if I call?

Me: sorry and yeah that's fine.

My phone rings a second later. " hello" , I say

"Hey its Cody sorry I am horrible at texting this is easier for me."

"It's okay same here I cant text to save me life."

"Well I'm glad I'm not the only one then. So tell me more about your self other then the simple facts like you own a bug, live with you uncle, are 17, what secerts do you have hidden under that hard exterior you've clearly created for yourelf?"

"Well nothing to personal I mean we've just met." I joked.

"Well now whos being funny?" he asks.

"Well what do you want to know? I don't know what to tell unless I know what you want to know."

"Well whats your favorite color?"

"Well thats easy, maroon."


"Never had any."

"Seriously, okay strange habits or hobbys?"

"Well I like art, cooking/baking, swimmimg, I dont know."

"Favorite movie?"

"Easy, the Breakfast club or the Titanic if you havent guessed i like older movies."

"Favorite book."

"I dont know there are just so many out there and I dont read alot because i just dont have the time but I do enjoy it theres just not enough hours in the day."

"Where are your parents?" shot he asked it the question i had been waiting but dreading for.

"Do I have to tell you?" I asked before almost breaking innto tears.

"No not if you dont want to. I mean its your life."Cody says his voice getting suddenly serious. 

"No, I need to get this off my chest. I need someone to know, someone to finally believe me, I just ask one thing you save judgement and questions in tell the end." I say and sigh.

"Okay, I promise." He ays sounding really confused. 

"Okay." I say and I tell Cody everything, I tell him how my father left me and my mom when I was born because he couldn't deal with the responsibility, and also had my mom had been murdered my my uncle and he had gotten away with it by blaming it on a serial killer that was near by. How we had moved towns and states to live here to get away from all of that." 

At first I thought he hung up or something happened but then I heard him breath. "Cody are you still there?" I asked cautiously. 

"Yeah, I'm just shocked that something that horrible could happen to such an amazing girl like you." He said and I blushed. 

"Oh." Was all I could say. 

Suddenly I heard Cody get out of his shock. "How in the hell could your Uncle that asshole get away with something like that? and why would anyone ever believe him." He asked particularly yelling into the phone. 

"I don't know have been asking myself that same question for the last year and there is no answer that I can come up with is that my Uncle is completely selfish and will do anything to please himself. "

"Wow." was all he said.

"So you really believe me?" I ask.

"Of course i believe you, why wouldn't I?" he asked.

"I don't know, its just that no one has ever believed me in the past, no ever they all think I am some mental patient." I say.

"Well I'm not like most people I definitely don't think that you are mental, I think your very sane and I completely believe you." He says sounding really sincere. 

"Thank you Cody you have no idea how much it means to me to here those words out of your mouth."

"Your welcome, I just want you to know that I'm here and i know you don't know me that well but I'm here if you ever need to talk."

"Okay that also means a lot." I sigh this conversation went the exact opposite of what I thought it was going to be.

 "Well Addison, is it okay if I call you Addi? , I have to go now but I will help you figure out a way to fix this."

"Yeah that's okay and Okay I'll talk to you later."

"Okay bye Addi."

"Bye." He hung up the phone and I sighed again. I huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I wasn't the only one baring my secret anymore.

I turned off my light, opened my window and let the cool breeze blow in, before crawling into bed and pulling the covers to my chin, tonight was a good night...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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