Forgive and forget

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Emptiness. That was all that I felt when I woke up. I just stared up at the top of the tent. I could hear the other guys moving around, but I didn't bother, I didn't care. I just felt lost. I know that it was just a dream, but I just feel like it was the truth.

"Princess, time to get up." X-Ray said. I got up and put on my clothes, the boys had turned around automatically, but I didn't care anymore. I stepped outside and stood in line for the shovels. I grabbed one and didn't feel like eating breakfast so I just followed Mr. Sir to the digging spot when Squid came up next to me. He put his arm around me and asked why I didn't wait for him. I didn't reply and just kept on walking. "Hey? Are you okay?" Squid asked, while he stopped me from walking and held onto my shoulders. He looked me in the eyes. I could see so many emotions in them, but I could also hear that voice from my dream, his voice. I shrugged off his hands and kept on walking.

When we got to the digging spot I immediately got started. I didn't say a word to the guys. "Is she okay?" "I don't know man." "She was acting unusual this morning." " I know, we didn't even need to drag her outta bed." "She didn't even talk to me." The guys were al saying these things, you could hear the concern in their voices, but in the last voice, you could hear hurt in it. I knew whose voice it was. It was Squids' voice.

Did I really hurt him? Maybe he was my chance to be happy. Maybe he really would protect me. He has been nice to me ever since I got here. But why can't I trust him? Why?! This makes no sense! I want to trust him, but it's so hard! I don't even remember the last time I had someone I could trust. What should I do?

When the water truck came, I went to stand in line and kept my head down. I got my water and went back to my hole. I drank some water but didn't eat. I went to go dig again, but I didn't see shovel. It wasn't where I last left it. There was a shadow above me. I looked up from out of my hole to see X-ray looking down at me with my shovel in his hand. "What's going on? Why are you acting like this?" His voice became louder "You haven't said a word all day! Can't you see how much you're hurting him?!" I knew who he was talking about. Squid. He was digging a lot slower today and he hadn't really said much either which was weird for him. "He cares about you, yet you shove him aside like he's nothing! I get that you're hurt, but that doesn't mean that you should shut us out and especially not Squid, because you know that he cares so much about you!" X-ray was right. Squid hasn't done anything to me. He was always there when I needed him. I was stupid, just thinking about not wanting to be hurt, yet here I was hurting someone who I cared about. I have to make it up to him. I just have to. X-ray threw the shovel in my hole and walked away. I looked down in shame, but then I started digging. I dug as fast as I could so I could get done before Squid and apologies for ignoring him.

When I was done I wondered how I was gonna get out of my hole. Squid always helped me with that, but I don't think that he would now. I threw the shovel out of my hole together with my canteen and tried to climb out. I was struggling a lot, but it didn't matter, because it didn't work. Suddenly I was being pulled up. I looked up to see Squid. I was surprised to say the least, I mean I was literally ignoring him today. I still saw the hurt in his eyes and that made me want to apologise to him right then and there, but he walked back to his hole before I could. I grabbed my stuff and walked back to camp.

When I arrived I went to go to take a shower, because I smelled bad. I grabbed my usual stuff and went to the Wardens cabin. I knocked on the door and she let me in. I went to the bathroom and scrubbed all the gross stuff off of me. I got dressed and went back to the tent. The others were in the tent when I got there. I wanted to talk to Squid alone, so I had to wait.

When the bell rang for food the guys went outside. I was just about to go out of the tent when I was pulled back in. I was turned around and there he was. The one I wanted to talk to and we were alone right now. I was gonna say something, but he was quicker. "Look, I don't know what happened," He began pacing and putting his hands through his hair. "I don't know what I did for you to hate me, but if you want me to leave you alone just say the word and I won't talk to you again." You could hear the hurt in his voice and also the pain for him to say that.

I walked up to him and put my fingers underneath his chin so that he would look up from the floor. I looked into his eyes and said, "I'm sorry. I was scared. Scared of the thought that you wouldn't actually care, but you do. I know you do. I'm sorry that it took so long for me to realise. I shouldn't have ignored you today, it was stupid and I really hope that you can forgive me." My voice was shaking. I was so scared. Afraid that I would lose him. "Please?" I asked. He just looked at me. Staring right into my eyes, not even saying a word.

I lost him. I could feel tears starting to come down my face. I turned away from him and walked towards the exit of the tent, but then a hand tugged me back and there I was, in Squids arms. "Don't worry Princess, I would always forgive you. " I hugged him back, maybe even tighter then he did.

"But I'm really hungry. Wanna come to the dining hall with me?" He asked. I nodded, laughing in my head that he was seriously thinking about food right now. We walked out of the tent and went inside. We grabbed our food and sat down at the table.  "So? What took you guys so long?" X-Ray asked. "We just needed to talk about some stuff and it's all done now. " Squid replied and then smiled at me, of course I smiled back. I mean how could I not? His smile is contagious.

I finally got some food in my system after a whole day of nothing. Well that was kinda my own fault, but oh well. Squid and I did the plate switch thingy when I was done with my goo and I swear to Gods name, it tasted better then ever.

After dinner we went to the wreck room. The guys were playing pool, but Squid came to me and asked if we could talk. "Yeah, sure." We got up and walked to our tent. "What's up?" "When?" "When what?" I asked back, not exactly knowing what he meant. "When did you start thinking that I wouldn't care? I've been there for you ever since you got here. " I then explained him the dream I had, how it felt to hear those words. How broken it made me feel.

Afterwards we just stayed in the tent. I had already put my pyjamas on when the guys came back. "Hey Princess you okay again?" Armpit asked "Yeah, I am. Just had some things I needed to work through and X?" "Yeah?" "Thank you" He looked at me confused "For what?" "For saying that stuff to me when we were digging. It made me see the things that I wasn't thinking of. It made me realise that I was being selfish, so thanks. " He smiled at me and said that it was no problem at if I ever needed some yelling at my face that he would always love to do it. Of course we all laughed at that, but I know he wasn't kidding. I get why he did it, Squid is one of his best friends here. I mean if I had a best friend I would probably be the same. Protective.

Before the lights went out I quickly went to the bathroom, but when I got back all the guys were already in there cot except for one. Squid.  Yeah, he was laying in my cot. Which I was actually happy about. It was cold without him. Weird huh? Cold in a freaking desert.
I went to my cot and he pulled me on him. "Don't you ever ignore me again. " he said, my head was on his chest so I just nodded. His arms were around my waist and mine were around his neck.
I should've never hurt him like that. He never did anything to deserve that.

"Hey Squid?" I whispered "Yeah?" "You're never gonna leave me, right?" "I would never, Princess." He then gave me a kiss on my forehead and whispered goodnight. "Goodnight Squid. " I said and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He held me tighter and then we finally fell asleep.

Sooooooooo hello
I'm back with a new chapter
Hope you like it!
Until next time

P.S. I really had no idea how to name this chapter

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