Chapter 3

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Okay, here's Chapter 3. Hope you all like it! :)


                The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day. I slowly get out of my seat, my back cracking painlessly as I follow the hoard of students out the door. My foot catches on the threshold and I go flying once again out into the hallway, crashing into someone.

                “Whoa!” They yell as we slam into a row of lockers. I stare down at the floor, my face burning with crimson. Quickly I start to gather my stuff, wanting to get out of here as fast as possible.

                “Sorry.” I stand up, clutching a water fountain to whisper so softly that I have to repeat myself again.

                They sigh loudly. “It’s alright. You know, I- Kaylee?” The person steps closer and I instantly back away, right into a locker dial.

                “Oww.” I cry out, rubbing my throbbing elbow.

                “Kaylee oh my god it’s been forever! How’ve you been? Are you okay?” It’s then that I realize the voice belongs to a guy.

                “I’m fine.” I mumble, and I try to turn around him. He catches my wrist, pulling me toward his chest until I’m forced to look up at him. Adam. I haven’t seen him in two years. I didn’t recognize his voice because it’s much deeper.

                “Adam.” I murmur, my eyes swelling with tears. My voice catches in my throat. I try to turn away from his questioning gaze but he reaches out a soft hand to cup my cheekbone.

                I clear my throat and ask, “What are you doing here?”

                “Our family got reassigned here too. I can’t believe this! Isn’t this amazing that we’re both here?” He smiles broadly at me and I allow myself to return a small one. I met Adam in fifth grade when I found out that, like my dad, his parents were in the army. He ended up living in the same neighborhood with me up until my family moved here.

                He reaches out his nicely toned arms to wrap them around me before I can object. I awkwardly return the gesture then push back from him until he finally drops his arms. “Are you okay?” His brow furrows, and I shrink away, feeling violated as he scrutinizes me.

                “Y-yeah I’m fine.” I stutter, crossing my arms over my chest. “When’d you get here?”

                “A couple of days ago. But I really wanted to get in the swing of things so I begged my mom to let me go to school today and I’m glad, because I got to see you.” He grins, his straight pearly whites sparkling. My heart melts at his statement, defrosting from the lengthy winter it’s been in since last year.

                Then he looks around quickly, panic evidenced on his face. “Wait, you don’t have to ride the bus do you? I think they’ve all left.”

                I glance around and notice for the first time that we’re the only two people left. “Um no. Do you?”

                He shakes his head, his light brown hair flipping to the side and my heart swoons. “Wanna walk home with me?” I swallow hard and nod. We pick up the rest of my things and he holds out his hand. I hesitate for a second but then take it, fueled by the warm touch.

                Patches of ice cover the sidewalks and the sun peeks shyly out of the sky, giving us the feel of a lukewarm Winter Wonderland. We slide across the ice, pretending to be professional figure skaters. I allow myself to have fun for a short while, laughing as Adam falls down continuously.

                “Hey!” He snickers after the fifth time, holding out his hand for me to help him up. Once standing again, he wipes his hands and shoots me a mock glare. “It’s not that funny!”

                “Actually it kinda is.” I drop off shyly, ducking my head away. He laughs again and I lead him down my neighborhood. He stops midstride, several yards away pausing at our deteriorating house.          “We’re doing some renovations.” I tell him quickly.

                He nods and we continue walking. “So how’s everything else going? Is Emma still annoying as ever?” He smiles, nudging me in the ribs.

                My smile falls in an instant and I yank my hand from his grip, speed walking toward my house.

                “Wait Kaylee! Come back! What’d I say?”

                I shake my head, tears blurring my vision as I start to run away from him and my problems. That’s the one thing I’m good at. Running away when things get challenging.

                He sprints, catching up to me in an instant and yanks me back to him. Adam takes in my tear streaked face, wiping away one with his index finger as it cascades down my frozen cheek. “What did I say?” He repeats again, voice hoarse from yelling.

                “All the wrong things.” I tell him and stomp on his foot, causing him to yell and release me from his iron grip. I walk away, feeling like the biggest jerk ever, leaving him there in pain. But why should I feel bad? Others have done the same to me.

                After I get inside, setting my things down on the floor and kicking off my shoes, I pause to look outside to see he’s not there anymore. Good. But then I notice a sticky note plastered on the front door. I look around quickly and then rip the note off, scanning it briefly.

Does it have something to do with Emma? He wrote.

            It’s always something to with Emma. I think to myself.


Hope you enjoyed it! Please comment or vote if you did. I promise that next time it will be more interesting and longer. Plus, I wrote another story called A Year Ago Last Winter (deals with meth) and I swear you'll love it if you give it a chance! And I'm in the process of writting another story that's enitrely different and really funny. It will be called FML and available for reads later this week or early next week.

Next update: Friday

Sneak peak: How the games started and first days and impressions.

Oh! And I want to thank RenessmeRcks for making the awesome cover to this story. :) Thanks everybody!

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