Chapter 15

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Craig's POV (Surprise, surprise)

"I just wanna break up with him, Craig" Cindy said to me through the phone

"Why didn't you today?" I asked

"Because he ran out. And It didn't really come to mind at the time.." She sighed

" Well whatever happens, I'll always be there for you." I told her

"Thanks Craig. I gotta go, text me later?" She asked

"Definitely" I said. Then we hung up

I won't lie, I kinda have feelings for Cindy. But she still likes Jaden. I know your wondering 'when did you and Cindy become friends?' well it happened after her date with Rayan. She was with Saige. I was sitting with them, waiting for Chres. We talked and bonded.. Speaking of that doofus, I haven't heard from him in a while... Oh well..

Saige's POV

I walked down the street with Rayan, going to the doctor's office. I had an appointment. When we gt there we waited in the waiting room. My name for called my name and we went in the room

"So how have you been, Ms. Heffer?" (You get it?)

"Good..." I replied

She laid me down on the bed and pulled my shirt up. She put a cold ass gel on my stomach and started moving this thingy around my stomach. I looked on the screen and say my little baby. So far I see a head, abdomen , arms, and legs.

"When will we find out the gender?" I asked

"When your at least two months. Just make sure you eat healthy and get enough rest. Your sleeping rate seems pretty low.. I even see bags under your eyes" The doctor told me. I nodded my head and thanked her.

Rayan and I left the doctor's office and went back to my place.Ya know, funny thing, I saw Jacob and Chresanto at the carnival. I was with her. Then Jacob ran off when he say her...

When we got back to my place, she was on the couch, eating doritos (Sorry I just love those chips) She saw me and smiled

"Hey! How was the appointment?'' She asked

"It was alright. The doctor said I needed ,ore sleep cause its not good for the baby. So I'm gonna head up right now and take myself a nap" I said and walked upstairs

When I got to my room, I laid on my bed and drifted to sleep

It was dark... I was scared. I couldn't see anything. I heard footsteps. "Who's there?" I called out. No answer. The footsteps just got louder and older. Next thing you know, I'm tied to a chair. "Who are you?" I asked the figure that stood in front of me.... "You broke my heart" He said "You tortured me" A different voice said... "You changed us" They both said, A light came on and I noticed that it was Chresanto and... Jacob? "Now... its happening to you" Chres said "What goes around comes around" Finished Jacob. They had knifes in their hands. "You guys please don't do this" I pleaded... They ignored me. Chres dragged the knife against my skin and I cried out in pain.. "Stop.. Please. STOP!" I begged "Saige" They said, simultaneously. "Saige"

I jerked up and saw that Rayan and her were hovered over me.

"Guys I just had the weirdest dream" I told them

"About?" She asked

"Jacob and Chres were...torturing me" I said "They had knives and said they were going to do what I did to them"

"Its just a dream, Saige. No worries" Rayan said., I nodded my and and they walked out my room... It felt so real

The pain felt so real

Hey guys... Lol I just love how eager u guys are!! Her name is coming u soon so hold your horses....

Hint: It has an E in it

-Stay weird
-Stay random


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