Hey everyone!

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I apologize for not being on here all that often. I made an Instagram, and I've been making posts on there like crazy!

My life has been fine so far, and I just wanted to see how everyone's been.

I missed you all.

I have a bit of good news, and sad news....

The good news is that I might  be moving! Moving to a new house is scary, but it's going to be interesting!

The sad news is that I won't be able to see my family all that much anymore..

You see, my older cousin has divorced, and is going through rough times. He has the kids, and a lawyer to pay for. And his son is thinking of finding a different place. They were going to live with us, but...something happened.

Alcohol was involved.....

After that ordeal, he sobered up, and all was well. I'm just scared. I don't want to move. I like this area. It's nice, and has a lot of memories. Sure, not all of them are good, but not all are bad!

I just thought I'd let every one of you know how I'm doing. ^_^

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