A new haircut?!? And some news!

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Hey everyone! KnightRolePlayer here! Just wanted to show you all my new haircut! Sexy, huh? ;) XD


I just got back to the city last week, and a lot has happened since then. Actually, most of it happened while I was gone at my mom's.

I have a new cousin, and a new half baby brother! They were born near the end of February, and I'm so happy I was able to see them! >v< They're so cute!

Also, my friend MisfortunatePsycho is going through a lot. Please try talk to her. She's really nice once you get to know her! I know I do! ^_^

Also, I have an idea for a new story. I was thinking it could be about music being weaponized, and used in a futuristic arena. Alright, that's about it! So long, my fellow Knights! <3 You all!

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