Chapter 4- Angela and Grace

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Chapter 5- Angela and Grace

I woke up to the sound of squealing girls and the next thing I knew, I was being jumped on by Grace and Angela who then proceeded to stand on me and jump up and down.

'Ok ok I'm up' I said to them as I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes.

I am normally not a morning person but today I feel like I have an unlimited amount of energy which is quite a nice change because normally in the mornings I act like a zombie. Not by choice but sometimes I just can't be fucking bothered to get up. You know what I mean.

'What are you squealing about?' I asked them as I pushed them off me.

'Mummy is taking us to the movies today!' Angela told me, accidentally spitting in my face between the gap where her two front teeth were. I reached up and wiped the spit off my face before getting out of bed.

Auntie Georgia came in just as I was putting my feet in my slippers. Angela and Gracie had left the room, after realising that I didn't care if they were going to the movies.

'Sorry about that, their just really excited' she said, leaning against the door frame.

'Yeah I figured that. Why aren't they at school? It's a Monday'.

'Its the holidays silly billy' she said playfully, ruffling my hair.

I quickly reached up and flattened it.

'Do you want some breakfast? I made pancakes if you want some' Auntie Georgia asked beckoning out the door.

'Sure' I said and I followed out the door.

We reached the kitchen and I sat down in one of the chairs at the kitchen table. Maddy from next door was already sitting in one of the seats with a plate in front of her stacked high with pancakes.

'Hello' I said to her.

'Hi' she said through a mouth of food.

'Maddy was just telling me about this party the two of you are planing on going to tonight' Auntie Georgia said as she grabbed two pancakes and placed them on a plate for me.

'I meant to ask you, I swear' I said as start pouring golden syrup onto my pancake.

'Oh I don't mind if you go to the party. Gives you the chance to meet new people. Maddy and I were talking about how she doesn't have something to wear and she came over here wondering if you wanted to go shopping with her?'

'Sure' I said to Maddy and she nodded, still engrossed in her pancake.

I finished eating quickly then raced up stairs and straight into my bedroom. I grabbed a blue sweater and dark purple jeans and my black Vans. I then went straight into the bathroom and added a little makeup, not foundation or anything, then I headed back down stairs.

Maddy was waiting by the front door ready to go so I quickly grabbed my handbag from the side table and went to join her.

Just as we were about to leave, Auntie Georgia came running up to me.

'Wait, Mazie do you want some money?' she asked.

'No I've got some I think' I said to her.

She frowned at me then pressed the money into my hand before backing away from me and out of the room so I can't give it back.

I sighed and followed Maddy out the door. The drive to the nearest shopping centre which is called..I forget, is mostly spent in silence as I stared out the window as the city of London rolled by.

I can't remember much of what London looked like when I was little and it is so different from where I lived in Australia. I mean it just looked so different, so alien but I feel a lot more at home here in the streets I have never seen before than the ones I went down everyday in Melbourne.

I don't miss being there at all. There is no one there who cares about me. No one left to miss me while I'm gone. My parents are probably glad to get rid of me and my one friend died on that night so I have no one left. My grandparents are either dead or overseas and my dad was an only child where as my mum only had the one sister, Georgia.

We spent about 2 hours looking around at different stores before I finally found what I was looking for. It was a short, tight red dress that came to about mid thigh and a black blazer that had 3/4 length sleeves. To finish off the outfit I found these amazing black heels and silver hoop earrings. I was really happy with what I had found.

Maddy how ever was still trying to decide between a blue dress that was short at the front and long at the back or a black bandage dress. In the end she chose the black one because it made the highlights stand out in her blonde hair.

After we finished shopping we sat down in the food court and grabbed some lunch then it happened. People were giving me sidelong glances and talking behind their hands but no one had said anything to me, not yet at least.

A little boy of about 4 came past, walking on his stubby legs. He stopped just in front of me and stood there staring at me and it took me a while to even realise that he was there. I looked up and stared into his hazel coloured eyes.

'Did you know that you have an ouchy on your face?' he said to me, pointing at me.

I sighed.

'Yes I do' I told the kid.

People were now turning around in their chairs to stare at us. I shrank lower in my chair and hunched my shoulders. I should be used to this sort of reaction from people but it never gets easier.

'Oy all you people quit staring' Maddy called out at the top of her lungs. Even more heads turned around.

'Come on Mazie, let's leave' she said to me and together we got up and headed towards the exit.

The ride back home was just as silent as the last one. I could tell that Maddy kept glancing at me then back to the front but I didn't look at her.

I really don't mind, what the little kid said or the people staring at me or I try to tell myself that I don't mind. But I do. I hate feeling different. I don't like people asking if I'm ok like I can't look after myself. Or people just talking about me behind my back. I would rather people just come up to me and ask me about my face.

'Mazie are you alright?' Maddy asked keeping her eyes on the road.

'Yeah I'm fine' I lied to her.

'Don't worry about it, your gonna look great tonight' she said.

'I won't know anyone there'.

'You'll know me and I can pretend to be many different people if you want. I do a great Voldemort impression if you would like to hear it..'

'No thanks I'm good' I said, smiling.

We pulled into Maddy's drive way and I got out of the car.

'I'll come over to yours when I'm ready' I said to her.

She nodded and I headed into Auntie Georgia's house. She was waiting for me just inside the door.

'So how did it go?' she asked.

'Oh fine, I got something really nice to wear' I told her as I headed up the stairs to my bedroom.

Then I spent the next hour getting ready. I got changed into the dress then I curled my hair and let it fall freely down my back. I added some make up then stared at myself in the mirror.

Am I pretty? I was before the fire. Boys eyes would follow me where ever I went and I was always proud of how I looked. But what about now? Half of my face is red and scared and the skin around my mouth has been pulled up so it looks like half my mouth is higher than the other. Only slightly which is good. Some people don't notice it unless their standing really close to me. But I notice it. I notice each mark on my face and body. I can't cover it up with make up like most girls cover up the things that they don't want to see. But I have to be so careful with what I do to my body.

I feel ugly. Like no one will love me. My parents stopped loving me and who is to say that anyone will love me now.

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