{Ch. 5} New rooms and cat ears?

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When we got to the furniture store or Ikea. I smiled. "Okay operation change up Dave's room is a go." I chuckled along with everyone else. We looked around and found some candy red paint. We got two cans since his room was pretty big. We found the bed area and got a bed that had little cabinets under it and shelves. It had these stairs for it so he walk up easier since the cabinets were big enough for someone to fit in. The bed had a headboard that was made for books to rest on or other things. We found a white dresser that had a little door with shelves inside of it in the middle. We got him a wall mirror that would go behind his door it was just a simple one. We got a red rug that was made of fur that was really soft. We found a blue throw blanket that was very soft and a red plaid covers with sheets that had the troll quadrant symbols on them or card symbols on a deck of cards. We got him a bunch of black, red, and blue pillows and some purple and green. The extra pillows can go in the cabinets if he wants. We got him a turntable system and a desk that could sit in the corner. I got him a new phone since I had seen his. It was shit. And a new laptop. We got a bunch of posters and drawing supplies and a new pair of headphones. I smiled and got him a bunch of stuffed animals and one of those nets that you hang in the corner of your room on the ceiling for it. D and Bro were rich to say the least and had always spoiled me. We got him two katanas that we would hang on the wall. I smiled when we were done and we walked to the cash register. She raised a eyebrow. "Are you shopping for another person or is this just one of yours?" She asked curiously. "Brother." "Ohh... cool!" She smiled widely. "Wait. Muelin?" "Yuppies! Hiya Dirk!" She smiled and hugged me. "I didn't know you had another brother." She giggled. "Apparently." I chuckled. "Well I don't see him soooooo is this a suprrise?" She rolled her r's. "Yup." I smirked. "Need any help?" "Maybe. We need some people to help clean the apartment so we can remodel tho so you can ask the others if you want." "Sure! We'd all love too!" She giggled and hugged me. I hugged back as we walked outside. We put the stuff in the rental truck and I got in D's car. We got back to the apartment and Roxy, Jane, and Jake were here. Jake ran up to me picking me up and kissing my softly. I squeaked a bit and kissed back. "Oh my Lord! D called me and told me what happened?! Are you alright how's everything? How's Dave? Are you getting along?" I kissed him softly again. "Hun. I'm fine. It's going okay. You were only gone two weeks. I'm fine." I hugged him and held onto him. Roxy and Jane walked over. "You two are such dorks." They laughed. "Hey! I am not a dork you guys are dorks!" I playfully growled at them. They growled back. "Are we doing the 'thing' today?" Roxy asked smiling. "Yes!" I laughed. We'd all get to be part animal and we're actually excited. "Okay!" She laughed. "First we got to clean and redecorate Dave's room. It was in terrible condition and he only had a bad. He never said anything so we never did anything. I feel kind of bad." I rambled. Jake chuckled. "Calm down babe it's alright. Let me guess John said something?" I nodded and kissed his neck wanting to mark it. He let me suck on it as we walked inside and carried everything in. We got to the room and put the tape on the walls and started to paint. While that was drying we started putting together the furniture well our parents did as we set up his laptop with video games and other things. We had gotten him a console with a lot of games as well. I got the laptop set up and started to set up the phone putting in all of our phone numbers along with his friends and our friends. We had gotten the numbers after all of our friends showed up and told us. We put all the furniture in his room putting the clothes we bought for him in there. We bought girl clothes and set them in the last drawer for if he wanted to wear them. We made the bed and other things we have him books and CDs and movies. We put the rest of the stuff in and a couch/bed thing and finished the room. I hoped he liked it. We left the bags in the closet alone after John texted us he would go threw them later. We left the room locking the door behind us. Before that we had changed up the bathroom giving him red and blue towels and a new shower curtain and mirror. We left the cabinet empty with only some tylonel and Advil. For headaches cause why not. Bandaids and such were downstairs in the bathroom. We left the room and cleaned up the rest of the house with the help of our friends. When we were done all of us played video games as the parents sat in the dining room talking about whatever adults talk about with friends.

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