Chapter 17

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My chest immediately tightened making it extremely hard for me to breath I wasn't even crying anymore I was just hyperventilating.I got up from the table an ran outside to the cold night, and followed my legs to the corner of the restaurant curb and collapsed. I began to historically ball then.Tears didn't even stream down my face it was a dry sob the entire time

My shaking hand reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone hesitantly. Liv ran out of the door and to my side immediately. She was sitting next time holding me as I sobbed.I couldn't even fathom what was happening I only knew it was not good and let my emotions take over from their.

I was uncontrollably shaking and sniffling, I couldn't control myself at all. My Life would be turned upside down now and never the same. Liv kept holding me trying to keep me in check but it wasn't helping enough.
I managed to calm myself enough to the point that I was not shaking profusely anymore. I wiped my tears and grabbed my phone again, typing Dylan's number into the phone. Then hitting call... it rang for a while then he answered...

"Hey babe what's up?"

"(Sniffle) They know.... bout us..."I started to cry again over the phone.

He wasn't supposed to be in his phone but he made that exception for me.

It was silent over the phone for a second, I could only hear him breathing he didn't know what to do..

" hey... " I kept balling

" HEY!!"he said more intensely

" calm down babe ok... we got this it's going to be ok alright... you hear me? Stop crying ok cause we are going to be alright... it's gonna be rough in school and if it helps I'll decline my coaching job for you ok. Babe... I... love you and we will make it through this together"

I sniffled some more and just wanted to be curled up on his chest right now. I wanted him and his comfort. I needed him.

"I love you to(crying) I... I... don't know what to do the team is going to hate me and I need this not to effect me with college I need the scholarships and I need you Dylan I need you."

He was now crying a little now to he sniffles and replied...

" Bae listen to me I will do everything to make sure nothing goes against you I I'll drop the coaching job right now I will and they can't mess with you anymore ok."

" yes Thank you so much Dylan... I need to go now but I love you "

" I love you to baby girl it's going to be ok don't worry I got u" he hung up shortly after and I started to cry again I looked over at Liv who was listening to the whole conversation as well.

" Can you take me home please and you and Sky stay over with me I don't want to be alone?"

She looked at me sympathetically nodding and turned around to see Sky leaned up against the wall he came out but I never noticed him when I was talking to Dylan. They hoisted me up and wrapped themselves around me for comfort as we walked to her car.

The car ride home was silent and when we pulled in I started to cry again. This time silently as I walked into my room. It was almost 6 by now and I didn't want to call Millie so I shot her a text telling her maybe later... and went to bed. Sky and Liv both lay next to me to sleep and we stayed that way for the night.


The three of us were walking the halls in baggy sweat pants and jumpers I stole from Mills old stuff. We all looked dead which in fact was not to far off from our actual emotions. I was still in shock and devastated. Liv had bags under her eyes and no makeup wich it unusual for her, and Sky wasn't as spunky as usual. We walked and said our goodbyes as we departed to our first class.

I left and turned into Sanchez' class... he was the worst but the best at the same time.His dry humor and snotty remarks made the class really fun but he gave a lot of work and homework. I sat down and looked around.Lily of course had to be in the first class of the day and was looking over at me talking to Gee another player on our team.Laughing... the entire class time. I tried to hold my head high and keep going through the day but it got worse and worse.

After Sanchez class we were going to the gym to get our bags for soccer cause I left for 2nd and 8th period... I left my bag there over the weekend so I wouldn't have to bring it home. I stopped in and everyone was looking at me. My bag was on the chair where I left it the other night. I grabbed it and ignored the snickering and gossipy glances I got from girls as I left.

On my way out in began to cry again. The tears streamed down my face and I wiped some before they fell. I tried to play it like I was strong all day so far but I couldn't. I hopped in the car and just went to Poseys and sat in the parking lot sobbing. I didn't move from there until it was time to go back to school.

I arrived back and my face was still irritated an swollen from my crying but I went to my 3rd period class still. I was sure I was safe in that class because the teams was to stupid to make in in AP Physics and Mechanics.

I went into the class and sat in my desk ready to take notes. Nothing happened that period of time which was good. The rest of the day was fine until it was time for practice. My bag was with my and I walked to the field house alone Liv left school so I was flying solo.

When I reached the field house I walked to my locker and placed my bag on the floor. Doing the code I unlocked the locker and opens it. When the door slid open there were multiple size condoms thrown in the back of the locker and falling out. On then they said "hoe" "fucker" and "bitch" on the inside of my locker writer in sharply was.

Sluttty bitch needs to get a life and if the only thing she can get is the coach she needs to step back and look at herself in the mirror. WHORE
I froze up not knowing what to say or do anymore. I picked up my bag and ran out the door. I could hear the girls laughing as I left.

I ran to my car and got in immediately grabbing my phone to text Dylan.


I sat back in the seat and cried even louder..

I'm sorry it's been a while but here's this chapter for now... be sure to go check out my cover shop all you have to do is mention me and follow and I'll give u multiple covers!!!

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