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[Name]'s is tugged by Marko's cold pale hand, and they head towards a young man whose skin was paler the moon. [Name] had seen him in faint glimpses before on the boardwalk, especially because his bleached blond mullet stood out during the night.

It would be a lie if [Name] didn't say she wasn't nervous. Marko felt a shiver of delight run up his spine as he smelt her fear in the air, and he grasped her clammy hand even tighter. Everything about [Name] was so damn fun, and Marko felt as if he couldn't get enough of her.

"Marko, who's this?" David smoothly inquired, looking directly at [Name], who felt to glance anywhere but at David.

Marko had a shit-eating grin, "This is my friend, [Name]. I thought Star could use some girl time."

"Star?" [Name] meekly asked, curious and confused all at the same time. She wasn't aware that there were more people in Marko's social group, let alone another girl. Although, she didn't necessarily feel jealous, but simply curious.

There was so much [Name] didn't know about Marko, yet it felt like he knew everything about her. Everything about Marko and his group seemed so appealing, and it was enticing her further and further into the abyss.

They were just so cool. It made [Name] forget about the book about vampires, or her research with the Frog brothers. In fact, all she could think of was Marko, Marko, Markoit was endless.

"Star's a friend. You'll like her." Marko vaguely explained, but [Name] decided not push further. Star was bound to make an appearance sooner or later.

"New around here?" David questions once more, and [Name] compelled to reply.

"Yeah, I moved here not too long ago with my family. It wasn't by choice." [Name] explained, shrugging while doing so. David raised an eyebrow at this information.

"Not by choice?"

[Name] nodded, "I was forced. My mom remarried, and the stepdad thought it would be wonderful to relocate. I wasn't a fan."

"Of course you weren't." David mutters to himself, but [Name] doesn't catch on. Her attention was back on Marko, who was whispering into her ear once more. She blushes fiercely, and gently smacks Marko's arm.

David decided to let Marko have this one. After all, in the end, she'll end up like the restdead.

Star feels the curly haired brunette following her, and for those moments, she felt invincible. David wasn't in power, Dwayne wasn't—no one was—it was all Star. Whoever this boy was, she had him wrapped around her finger, and it felt right to have the attention.

Star has him by the hook, and as she inches closer to David's bike, she can feel other boy's presence closely behind. Snatched and hooked.

If an outsider were to peer into this, they'd realize that [Name] and the boy named Michael Emerson were in very similar situations.

"Are you following me?" Star questions, and the curly haired boy looks a bit flustered.

"Well, I..." He begins to mumble, seeming a bit bashful.

"Do you want to talk to me?" Star asks once more, thriving in the attention. This was fun!

"Well...yeah. Sure." The teenage boy confirms after a split moment of thinking.

"Okay. Talk." Star urges for him to continue, gazing into his blue eyes.

"I just wanted to...I, uh..." The curly haired boy begins to stutter, not really sure what to say to Star now that he has her attention.

But it doesn't last long, as a younger teenagerblond with a horrible fashion sensecomes running towards them. Laddie notices him, especially the vampire comic in his hands.

"Mom's here. Let's go." The blond boy tells the curly haired teen. So, they were brothers.

Star simply smiles sweetly and utters, "Nice talking to you," and with that, she walks away from Laddie.

However, it wouldn't be the last time she'd see the curly haired boy, who was named Michael Emerson.

"Look, Star." Laddie says, tugging the girl's hand as he points in [Name]'s direction. It was the first time the two of them had seen [Name], who was chatting with David and Marko.

Star had seen the look David had in his eyes, and better yet, she'd seen the look Marko had. Whoever the girl was, she felt immediate concern for.

"Star!" David calls out, a smirk growing on his face, urging the girl to come closer. Introductions were to be made.

Laddie's grip on Star's hand became tighter as the two approached David and the other two.

"Hi..." Star greets, throwing a glance at the girl next to Marko. She was cute, and undeniably naive...but there was something. There was this hidden energy to her, as if something truly obscene and dark lurked within her. It wasn't out yet, but Star knew it was something Marko wanted to pull out from her.

"Meet [Name], we'd figure you need some girl time." David says, as if he was commenting on the weather.

Star wasn't so sure about this but she smiled and greeted the girl anyways. She had power for a moment, but not enough to get [Name] away from David or Marko.

"I like her

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"I like her." [Name] tells Marko once they're alone about her opinion on Star. In fact, [Name] saw Star as a breathe of fresh air. She was caring in a maternal sense, and was kind to [Name].

[Name] was glad to meet Star. It's nice to have female friends, and she hoped Star felt the same way about her.

"Good." Marko states, gazing at the house he'd parked in front of. It was nothing too remarkable, it just seemed like an average house near a beach, which was cramped and expensive.

But it was where his toy lived, therefore it was important. Marko decided to speed things up in motion, and offered to take the girl home. [Name] was sold on the idea.

"I don't think anyone is home." [Name] states a moment later, noticing the driveway was empty. Her parent's car was missing, and so was her stepbrother's car as well.

"You sure you'll be fine by yourself?" Marko asks, even if he knew the truth already. She'd be terrified to be alone, especially with the lovely dreams he's been leaving her.

She fiddles with the hem of her sweater, then looks at Marko, "Do you want to come in?"

Marko smirks, "Why the hell not?"

He'll leave when she's knocked out cold before the sun comes up. But for now? He'll play. After all, he was just given the power to enter her home whenever he pleases. 

Author's Note: 

This hasn't been edited, so I apologize for any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors! Please leave feedback. 

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