Jealous Much?

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So, I recently finished reading Tsubasa World Chronicle and was pretty much a salty bitch for like half of the series cause of Mr. Stupid Albino hottie making subtle moves on Fai. My inner Kuro was punching him out.

So I thought it would be cute to see him a little more jealous. And that's where this stemmed from!



Coming back to the real world after everything that happened was weird. Especially since the two worlds of Nirai Kanai were so similar, that is, if you were talking more about the structure of the land and not the inhabitants. What was even weirder was the party that the 'princess god' had decided to throw in their honour. True, it was nice to be appreciated after what they had done, but it had been hard work and Syaoran really should've been resting instead of standing next to him at this extravagant party. Hell, it felt like more of a royal ball than a party.

'What a pain...' Kurogane thought to himself, downing his fourth drink of the night. Syaoran was sitting in a chair a little ways from him, picking at a plate of food with a vacant expression on his face. Kurogane felt his gut twist at the sight and turned away from Syaoran, looking for Fai instead. He found him, lounging against the desert table and surrounded by people who looked far too pretentious and bratty for Kurogane to handle holding a conversation with. Oh well, at least Fai looked like he was having a good time. He watched Fai a little longer, watching the curve of his lips when he smiled as he chatted, his eyes traced the movement of his hand brushing strands of gold away from porcelain skin. Pulling himself out of his trace, he put down his empty cup and filled it to the brim again. The band started up suddenly, their sharp and joyous tune echoed around the large room and pair after pair took to the empty floor to swing each other around. "I didn't think there was going to be dancing." Fai's suddenly close voice made Kurogane jump a little. The alcohol must've been messing with his senses. Fai locked his wide blue eyes with Kurogane's own and beamed, cheeks glowing a light pink. But weather Fai was actually blushing or if that was just the glow from the alcohol, Kurogane didn't know. "Eh, doesn't matter to me if there's dancing." Fai giggled and moved closer to him, shoulders brushing as they leaned slightly against a table. "Do you not like dancing Kuro-pon?" Kurogane shrugged, taking a swig from his newly filled glass and looking around the room. "Not really, I've never been good at it so it's never been fun." Fai hummed from next to him and Kurogane felt the vibrations through his arm. He cast a glance at Fai again, but the mage was staring out at the people dancing with a glassy look in his eyes. "Well, I love to dance." A rather uncomfortable silence washed over them and the atmosphere suddenly felt very tense to Kurogane. There was something odd in the way Fai said that. Was invitation? Was he inviting Kurogane to ask him to dance or was he just making a factual statement? Kurogane continued to wrack his brain over it as he took another sip of his drink. They stayed in their awkward silence for a while before that white haired guy appeared out of nowhere and broke it. "Hey you two! Enjoying the party?" Fai smiled at the man and he threw an arm around Fai's shoulder. Kurogane felt vaguely like he was going to throw up. "Of course we are Sakon! It's an amazing party after all." The man-Sakon, Kurogane reminded himself-smiled back at Fai, a laugh edging into his voice. "Well it better be, considering I spent all day preparing it." Fai gaped, amazed. "Really? That's amazing Sakon!" Sakon seemed to swell with pride and Kurogane had to resist the urge to pry that man's hand off of Fai's shoulder. "It's no big deal. Anyway, why stand around? This a party! Let's go dance!" And without even waiting for a response from Fai, he had dragged him out into the thick of the dancers. Kurogane felt the nauseous feeling in his stomach intensify and put down his drink, crossing his arms over his chest and watching as Fai was spun and pulled around  by Sakon, laughing and having the time of his life. Kurogane let out a huff of air, watching it blow a strand of his hair from off of his forehead and bit the inside of his cheek, feeling a little frustrated but without really knowing why. He turned his attention away for a minute to see what Syaoran was doing and saw him still sitting at his table, but now he had been joined by the princess and the two were talking animatedly to each other. No sooner had Kurogane noticed them talking then a chorus of applause and catcalls tore their attention away from each other's stories and to the dance floor, effectively drawing Kurogane's attention there too. His eyes locked on a familiar pair in the center of a group and his world came to a shuddering halt.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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