Until Death Do We Part

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Little AU(or real thing, you never know)me and my friend thought of.

Fai and Kurogane get married and spend a wonderful 60-70 years together until Kurogane passes away. Fai, with his magical power influencing his life span, stays alive and heartbroken. However he knows that Kurogane wouldn't want him wasting his life wallowing in pain, so he decides to travel the worlds again. After years of traveling, he comes to a new country where he meets a man who looks just like Kurogane, but he goes by the name of Yōō.

Might be a little shorter than my other ones, its more of a drabble.

JK its still like 1500 words...



Fai had been walking around town, minding his own business when he had seen him. The too familiar tan skin and messy black hair pulling at his attention from miles away. After all, it had been years since he'd seen Kurogane. So when he saw a man that looked JUST LIKE HIM through the window of a paint shop, it was only natural for Fai to feel relieved, amazed and incredibly sad all at the same time. Kurogane(or whatever the doppelgängers name was) was sitting at a paint easel, right hand delicately balancing a paint brush between two fingers while his left hand held a slab of wood that was stained with different colours of paint. His eyebrows were pulled closely together as he concentrated on the work in front of him. Fai watched him lift his right hand and beautiful cherry blossoms bloom on the canvas under his brush. Before he knew it, Fai was entering the shop. A small bell signaled his entrance. The shop was small and old, wooden frame peaking through the drywall and paint chipping off at every corner. It smelt of old wood and must from the creaking floorboards and the oily smell of paint from the pictures that had just been hung to dry. Fai looked around in awe, taking in the beautifully painted sceneries from mountains to beautiful summer gardens. A young girl with her hair pulled back and a pair of messy overalls on came out of the back room and smiled at him. He recognized her immediately. "Good morning! Can I help you with anything?" Tomoyo asked. Fai returned the smile and shook his head. "No thank you. I just got a peak through the window and was curious." Tomoyo giggled and walked over to a painting that had fallen, hanging it back up. "Well if you need anything, just holler, or go ask Yōō over there." She gestured to the man who looked like Kurogane, who was still painting in the corner, before she retreated to the back room again. Yōō, so it definitely wasn't Kurogane. Fai looked around at a few more paintings before his gaze wandered back to the man in the corner. He watched the creases of his forehead and the tightness of concentration in his jaw, watched the movement of his muscles in his arms as he worked to create a masterpiece. And then Fai realised he had crossed the room and was now standing behind Yōō, watching every stroke of his brush with rapt interest. Fai smiled at the artwork. "It's beautiful." Startled, Yōō stopped painting and turned to see who the voice belonged to, obviously not realising anyone had come in. He made eye contact with Fai and blinked, donning a curious expression. "Thank you...?" Fai tilted his head. "Not used to compliments?" Yōō frowned, such a familiar expression that Fai bit into the inside of his cheek to keep smiling. "No, but it's just..." He looked intensely at Fai and raised an eyebrow. "Have I met you before?" Fai was surprised but covered it easily with a shake of his head. "No, I'm a traveller so I'm not from around here." Yōō hummed and nodded at Fai. "What's your name?" Fai smiled. "Fai D Flourite." Yōō nodded again and went back to looking at his painting for a moment before turning back to Fai, even more confused. "You're sure I haven't met you before?" Fai frowned and bit his lip, pulling up another stool to sit on. "I've never met this you if that's what you're asking..." Yōō blinked and raised an eyebrow. "Huh?" Fai couldn't help but laugh a little at how familiar that response sounded. "I travel to different worlds, so I've met many people who share the same face and name, but not necessarily the same memories."Yōō put down his paint brush, sensing what Fai was talking about would answer his question. Fai sighed and folded his hands over his lap, looking down at the beautifully designed silver ring on his left hand and running a finger over it.


He was running around a familiar place, bare feet slapping the ground and his laughter filling the space around him. Suddenly something warm and hard connected with his back, strong arms wrapping around his waist, and he was off the ground and spinning. He practically shrieked with laugher, kicking his feet out in front of him and trying to break free. The displacement of weight that it caused sent both him and his attacker onto their backs. In mere seconds after they had fallen, Fai found himself on his back with his arms pinned on either side of his head, staring up at a cocky looking Kurogane. "Gotcha." Fai laughed again, bright and loud, shaking his arms out of Kurogane's grasp and wrapping his arms around the back of Kurogane's neck, pulling him down for a kiss. He let out a giggle against warm lips before pulling back and smiling. "Well it wasn't fair, you're faster than me!" Kurogane let out an airy laugh, forehead and nose still pressed against Fai's own. He connected their lips again, chaste and gentle, pressing one of his hands into soft blonde hair. They broke the kiss and just stayed there, listening to each other's breath and lost in sea's of diamonds and rubies. Then something in Kurogane's eyes softened and he pressed his nose into Fai's cheek, mumbling against soft skin. "Marry me..." Fai blinked, unsure of if what he was hearing was just his own delusion or if Kurogane really was uttering the words he had dreamt of hearing. "What?" Kurogane moved back, allowing more space between them and stared intensely into Fai's blue eyes. "...Marry me..?" His voice was a bit hesitant and unsure, light pink dusting his tan cheeks, but his eyes were honest and determined as they bore into Fai's. Fai felt his breath catch in his throat and wondered again if this was really happening. He figured he made Kurogane panic because the ninja started talking again. "I can get you a ring...or anything-anything you want just...please..." Kurogane closed his eyes and pressed his forehead into the crook of Fai's neck. "There's no one else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with..." Emotions hit Fai so suddenly and powerfully that he didn't have the chance to properly react to them, he just burst into tears. Kurogane panicked again, pressing himself up to look properly at Fai but was pressed down again by Fai's arms around his back. Through his sobs and gasps of breath he managed to utter a single word.



"I see..." Yōō muttered, looking down at his lap. "I'm sorry for your loss." Fai shook his head and gave a small smile. "Don't be, it was worth it." Yōō nodded and picked up his paint brush again, twirling it around in his fingers and frowning. "But didn't you ever wonder if you could fall in love with him again, I mean, if you met another 'version' of him in a different world?" Fai frowned and thought to himself, gazing out the window to watch various different people walking about. Everyone had their own lives, and no two people no matter how they might be similar were actually the same. And no one else could help him the way Kurogane had. "I don't think I could ever learn to love that 'him'." He spoke finally, earning Yōō's confused gaze. "Even if I tried to, I know that a part of me would always love the Kurogane that I met after I had first left my own world. The Kurogane that I travelled with for so long." Yōō sighed and went back to painting. "So what was he like? Your Kurogane?" Fai smiled, letting nostalgia wash over him like a wave and leaned back on the stool.

"He was a ninja, from the country of Japan, with little to no table manners and a fierce temper. But he saw through all my lies, all my fake smiles-saw every bad part of me and never walked away."

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