835 19 3

- sonny haynes

being a pre-vet major is so time consuming and pretty much my whole life, so while everyone was out in the living room getting high and playing videos games and eating pizza; i was in the comfort of my bedroom eating pizza and listening to a recording i took of today's lecture so i could jot down notes.

"animal intestines are so gross" i said to myself as i listened to the lecture over the digestive system

a soft knock at my door broke me from my thoughts as i groaned and threw my favorite purple pen down

"come in" i huffed, annoyed at whoever was about to walk in



i don't even know what demon possessed him to bring himself to my room, but i wanted him to leave. i've been nothing but nice to him, and he's so mean because of one girl.

"listen, i know you hate me and all but i wanted to come apologize. harry told me he talked to you tonight" nico said, taking a seat in my fuzzy purple desk chair

"so what? am i supposed to say "aw nico you're just heart broken, it's okay if you're mean to me" and move on?" i asked

nice chuckled "i guess i had that one coming, but no you're right. i'm sorry"

i rolled my eyes and pressed play on the recording, going back to taking notes.

i could see nico stand up from the corner of my eye and make his way over to my bed

"so you're gonna ignore me huh?" nico questioned

i looked up at him, and back down at my notes, finishing

nico grabbed my phone from my lap and shoved my journal onto the floor, smiling innocently down at me when i snapped my head up to look at him

"nico do you wanna die today?" i asked, quickly standing up from my bed

"come with me"

"come with you where, it's 12:30am and i'm taking a 9:30 tomorrow" i complained

nico rolled his eyes at me "it's not my fault you decided to take these early ass classes. just come with me, anywhere i don't care where. we'll just drive until we're tired"

i threw a tantrum in my head before snatching my phone back from him "fine, but you're driving"

nico got the brightest smile on his face and threw my yellow vans at me

"put those on and let's go" he urged

i slipped the shoes on and grabbed my pizza, nico pulled me out of my room and into the living room

"we're going out be back whenever the fates decide we need to be home!" nico laughed

tyler and the girls gave me a look, and all i could do was shrug

"don't do anything i wouldn't do!" dakota yelled as we walked out of the door, honestly what hasn't she
"so why did you kidnap me from my home? you haven't wanted anything to do with me"

nico sighed, keeping his eyes on the road "you're a cool girl sonny, and i appreciate your effort to try and be my friend but there's just some things i'm not ready for"

i shook my head and sat back in my seat "you're so weird"

nico let out a soft laugh, and we continued to drive in silence

rex orange county's "best friend" started playing softly in the back and i started to sing to myself

a few minutes in nico started singing with me, turning the radio up

"you like this song?" he asked

i nodded and started singing louder which made him laugh

"i'm own shit now" i sang

"you're gonna wanna be my best friend baby" nico joined

i smiled at how we were starting to get a long, hoping it'd stay like this

"so where are we going?" i asked, turning it down a little

"like i said, wherever we end up"

don't wanna fall in love | nico hiragaWhere stories live. Discover now