Chapter 2: The Wrong Time

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I know it's been a while but the wait is over plus it's not like I been M.I.A

If you'll know me then you'll should know how it is

Anyways I'm only doing updates on this book until it's finished and I plan on finishing this book during this week

#MLK day

This chapter will be short

That's all


Continuation from last chapter

Continuation from last chapter

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Emily Pov

" Am I dreaming or is this real? "

" If it is I'm about to burn this muthafucka' to the God damn
ground "

" No one messes with me like this and gets away with it, hell to the no "


Emily stood up and ran back towards the bedroom crying harder than before with the gasoline and matches in her hands ready to cause destruction

Emily reached the bedroom and everyone looked at her as if she was crazy watching her trying to get the gasoline bottle open

" EMILY STOP " Emmanuel screamed charging towards her and tackled her to the floor taking the matches and gasoline out her hands sliding across the room so she doesn't try to kill them all.

Amy and Mildred ran out the bedroom and out their house while Emily screamed and cried on the floor trying to get Emmanuel off her but he just over powered her and pinned her arms over her head

" GET OFF ME, I FUCKING HATE YOU " Emily screamed.

" STOP " Emmanuel screamed and Emily kneed him in the dick and then kicked him off her.

Once Emmanuel was off of her and on the floor groaning in pain on his hands and knees, she quickly stood up and charged towards him kicking him in his rib cage


" Look I'm sorry " Emmanuel said standing up fully.

" You're not sorry but you will be " Emily said pushing him in the chest making him stumble back.

" Baby just calm down, what's that supposed to mean " Emmanuel said.

" Were done, pack your shit and get the fuck out my house, I never wanna see you again " Emily said.

" Baby just give me a chance to explain, it's not what you think, I know what you saw was fucked up but let me explain it " Emmanuel said.

" GET OUT NOW, ION' CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY, LEAVE " Emily screamed punching him in the jaw' making him stumble back again but this time he was tasting blood in his mouth.

Emmanuel wiped his mouth and walked away to pack his stuff while Emily watched him for a second and then walked out the bedroom heading towards her house phone sitting on a table in the living room while she began to cry again

Once Emily entered the living room she picked up the house phone and called her mom first

Mildred answered on the first ring

Mildred: " I can explain baby, I'm sorry, this whole thing is a big ol' mess but there's something I need to tell you, it's not what you think "

Emily: " Naw' shut up, you ain't got shit to explain to me, ion' wanna' hear anything else' you gotta' say, I'm done, I never wanna' see you or around my house ever again, don't even try to call me or text me, you stay the fuck out my life you fucking bitch "

Emily hung up on her mom and called Amy next but Amy answered on the third ring

Amy: " I'm sorry, me and mom.." *Emily cut her off*

Emily: " Just know when I see you I'm beating your ass on sight, this time you gone too far, I know we had our issues in the past but sleeping with my fucking boyfriend, really bitch, you're that fucking thirsty, how could you and mom do this to me, what did I ever do to y'all that was so bad that I deserve this, ANSWER ME NOW "

Amy: " You don't understand "

Emily: " Understand what? "

Amy: " Emmanuel is not the one for you, you walked in at The Wrong Time "

Emily was taken back

Emily: " What "

Before Emily heard what Amy said next she was put in head lock and dragged backwards

" Drop it " He said pulling out a knife and Emily hung up the house phone and dropped it.

" Who are you, how did you get in my house " Emily asked?

" I hacked the alarm system and climbed in through the back window, where's Emmanuel " Phillip asked?

" GET YO' FUCKING HANDS OF MY WOMAN PHILLIP, THIS SHIT IS BETWEEN ME AND YOU " Emmanuel screamed charging towards them and Phillip quickly dropped Emily and charged back at Emmanuel.

To be continued

Who is Phillip and what does Mildred and Amy need to tell Emily?

Why is Emmanuel not the one for Emily all of the sudden?

You'll will find out next chapter

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