The Return

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Long ago the magical land of mewni lived a princess star butterfly, she has a best friend name Marco Diaz he learns karate, make nachos and always be with star invade she's in danger. Star told Marco the truth and went back to mewni to stop the monster who was immortal his name was toffee, the lizard monster who killed a queen a long time ago, defeated toffee with her butterfly form and melted him and ludo squashed him and never hurt the kingdom again.... But what truly happen that day..... Was this.....

Star I can't beliven that your alive Marco replied I know me too but I didn't know I can do that, and check it out I have a new wand.... Again star said uh princess butterfly where's toffee? Buff frog asked buff frog I use my magic to melt him and ludo squashed him remember. I know that but where's the green slime? Hey he's right star where is he? That's strange I did see ludo squashed him few minutes ago, its impossible star said you don't think he turn himself into dust, did he? River said I don't know I think we gotta tell mom.

A few hours later in the butterfly kingdom, star and moon talked in privet how is that possible I saw you almost killed him, and it doesn't make any since moon replied I know mom but if he's alive do you think he's still out there? Its hard to tell star, but the only what we can do is wait for him if he isn't dead. We'll come back for him moon said well I hope so, because I don't want a dangerous monster haunting our kingdom right now.

So then they waited and waited but he didn't come back, Marco went back to earth, glossaryck came back, star and tom got back together, Jackie broke up with Marco and went back to mewni and star let him be his squire and became best friends forever, but toffee still hasn't come back they assume that he had left for good and moved on with their lives...... But they were wrong....... So wrong.

Star star wake up today is the big day Marco yelled really ( yawn) what's today? Ugh don't you remember its the big ball tonight, and we should set up the party. Huh oh yeah your right we should better do it right now we should invite my friends and also my boyfriend tom because we got back together haha star laughter haha yeah you should, hey you look a little, pale are you OK? Huh oh yeah I'm fine, I didn't get any enough sleep last night haha star laughs again and gets sweaty. Star what's going on? (Sigh) OK here's the truth, you see every night I been having nightmares star said nightmares, about what? About....... Um........ Toffee star whispers oh.. I see look I know your overwhelmed about toffee but let's face it, he's not coming back Marco replied but what if he is, I'm afraid that toffee could come back and tear this kingdom to dust! Star its been a year Toffee's long gone and you know it. I know but when he's still alive he was watching me and always in my head, and also he'll might take me away from my family and you. Star starts crying and shaking, hey star its OK Toffee's not coming back and he's definitely never taking you away.

Meanwhile toffee was watching star and Marco with his spying eyeball machine, hmph so star was having nightmares about me again isn't she, and she doesn't know I'm coming back how ridiculous. She'll know I'm coming back sooner or later, but when its been a year I've still have plans, if everyone is going to the ball tonight I should make a disguise as a mewman so no one should know who I am.

Back to the butterfly kingdom the guard ran to find the queen. Your Highness the guard yelled what is it this time moon said you've got a letter from heckapoo. Moon open the letter and read it what does it say mom? Moon read the letter and started to get a sweat. Star, you'll be in charge in the butterfly kingdom, including the ball. Me but i'm not really good to be in charge star said I know but don't worry I'll be back tomorrow. Moon hugged star and left. Well this is gonna be the hard one.

Meanwhile moon went to see heckapoo and she saw rhombulus and omnitraxus prime. Oh good your all here we may have a problem. What is it heckapoo rhombulus said well theirs portals everywhere and and I tried closing them, but it just keeps going and going. Hmmmm well it must be some kind of fritz rhombulus replied I don't think so I felt something strange...... Wait, oh no, we must leave now moon said too late queen moon.

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