Grumpy Kookie Needs Some Milk (Or Coffee... Or Taehyung... Or Both)

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we're normal i swear

Hoebi: rise and shine, my little chickadees

Kookie: fuck off

Hoebi: Jeon Jungkook! Where are your manners?! I am your HYUNG

Hoebi: ew, I sound like Jin

Kookie: sorry

Kookie: PLEASE fuck off

Hoebi: what did I do to deserve this disrespect?

Kookie: how about texting us at the asscrack of dawn?

Hoebi: no, I still don't see the problem

Hoebi: as far as I'm concerned, baby Kookie didn't get enough nappy time and is just a tad bit grumpy wumpy

Kookie: well maybe I wouldn't so grumpy if you'd realize that not everyone is a morning person and wants to be woken up at 5 IN THE FUCKING MORNING

Kookie: I don't even have class until later, so thank you so much for wasting my precious time that could be spent sleeping

Hoebi: oh please yoongi #2, all you need is a little bit of sunshine (aka me) to get your spirits up

Kookie: i'll take being a second yoongi a compliment 

Kookie:  and don't get me wrong, I usually admire you for your happy-go-luckiness, but seeing it in the morning makes me want to RKO you

Hoebi: you know what? Fine. Be a grumpy pants

Hoebi: I'll just wait for someone else to come in

Taetae: good morning, everyone!!

Hoebi: speak of an angel

Hoebi: morning, tae!

Hoebi: just a heads up, kook's feisty in the morning, so beware of the beast

Kookie: good morning,  Tae hyung! ^^

Taetae: i'm sorry kook, did I wake you up? i could always message hobi hyung privately so we don't bother you

Kookie: no, no it's okay, you could never bother me

Hoebi: oh, you whipped little shit

Kookie: in fact, I was just about to get up and grab some coffee. Would you like to join me?

Taetae: I'd love to!

Kookie: awesome. There's this cafe I know just outside the campus

Taetae: is it the one with the cute latte art?

Kookie: bingo

Taetae: ooh I've always wanted to try that place out

Kookie: you're going to love it, promise

Taetae: I'll hold you to your word then, Jeon

Kookie: I won't disappoint

Taetae: so, i'll see you soon?

Kookie: i can't wait :)

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