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The first thing I see after my eyesight returns is Landon clutching his swollen knee. Then, I see the trees, the outline of trees against the night sky. The cold settling into the soil.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

He nods.

"Are the others okay? We need to go back for them."

"Not yet," he says.

"Why not? They're not safe there."

He groans and pokes his knee. "At least we're safe for now."

I crawl towards him and lightly touch his knee. It's hot and swelling further as I watch it. "This looks bad. We need help. We need to go back."

"Not yet, Olive."

"We have to."

"Not yet."

"Why not?"

Landon sighs. "Because I know where Derrick is. And I can't get him on my own."

I nearly fall over from the shock. "What?"

"I know where he is. We can't come back until we get him."


He shakes his head. "I'll tell you when we get further away, but don't worry. He's okay. He's alright."

I can't believe this.

"He said you inspired him. You're the reason he's happy out there, living all alone."

The depth of his voice amplifies the magnitude of his few words. Not all the words, but one word in particular. Alone.

We aren't allowed to be alone. We aren't meant to be alone. We are never alone. It isn't a petty crime if you're caught wandering by yourself. In our world, alone doesn't exist. But thanks to me, that's exactly what he is. Derrick is alone.


Olive JuiceWhere stories live. Discover now