Chapter 3: The Restless First Quarter

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          Ginny was right.  It was only the first glimpse.  When she came to school the next day the teachers started teaching and giving out homework.  Also, sports were starting and Ginny was on the cross country team, which met every morning before school at 6am.  As the weeks went on, Ginny was getting up early for cross country, then changing for school and finishing last minute homework, going to class and getting more homework, and using lunch to finish more last minute homework and start on the next days homework.  After lunch, Ginny would go to class, get more homework and notes, then she went home..... and did more homework.  She felt like she was drowning in homework, but refused to just not do it (like she used to do up until the 8th grade and like some of her class mates were doing). She added these requests to her bucket list (which had, by now, turned into a wish list of sorts)

7.   get down to a 7 minute/ mile average for x-country

8.   invent a time machine!!!!!!!!! or get a time turner

Ginny never felt rested and was even beginning to doze off in class.  Luckily, she could catch a few minutes of sleep during literature class with Mrs. Burns.  Ginny was even able to do well on the quizzes because they were only ever over the book that they were reading that quarter and not any lecture information (which Mrs. Burns put in packets that she handed out at the beginning of each class!).  Still, that did not stop her from feeling guilty about falling asleep in class.

          After the first few weeks, Ginny was beginning to enjoy cross country; after the initial super hard practices, they were in better shape and the cross country coach was giving them easier runs as well.  Ginny also enjoyed it more because she was starting to do well in it (and let's face it: it's a lot easier to enjoy something you do well at instead of something that you are not so good at) and could use it as a way to get her mind off of school.  Every meet they had, Ginny would improve her time and managed to get down to 14min. 43sec for two miles from her almost 20 min. two miles at the first practice.  Also because she was in a private school, she was on the varsity team and would be able to go to the State Meet.  Ginny knew that the State Meet would be in three weeks and planned to work extra hard to get faster.

          At that same time, posters went up by the lockers announcing the Homecoming at the end of the quarter.... the same day as the cross country state meet.  Ginny was momentarily thrown in to a panic worrying if she would be able to make it.  Don't be silly, Ginny.  The meet will be in the morning and the homecoming is in the evening.  You'll make it in plenty of time.  After she thought this, she thought that it would be nice if James asked her to the Homecoming.  At that same time Liz and Emily ran over and started staring at the poster as well.

 "You know what?"  Emily said, directing her attention towards Ginny  "It would be SSOO CUTE if you and James went together!!!"  Ginny was a little taken aback and could not stop herself from blushing.  "That would be so sweet if he asked you", Liz said, noticing the redness in her cheeks.  "I need to finish some homework", Ginny announced and quickly went to her locker before her friends could make her feel more awkward.

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