Her Bucket List: prolouge

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1.  Visit every country in Europe and their historical sites

2.  Own a huge ranch with an orchard

3. Marry a great man

          "That's a start at least," said Ginny.  her name was not actually Ginny, but Virginia Jane Tripp.  Everyone called her Ginny because she had red hair like the character from the Harry Potter series (which were her most favorite books and movies),and because it was short for Virginia.  She was making a bucket list with her two friends; not because one of them were guarenteed to die soon (far from it) but they were just coming up with with cool places to go, awesome things to see and fun things to do and try.

          "Really? That's all you have?  I've come up wih six great things and you've only come up with three.  And their not even exciting, except for the first one," Ginny's friend, Emily, gave her a disapionted look.  She had been friends with Emily since the 6th grade.  "I know, I know.  I'm too realistic for my own good," Ginny replied, scolding herself inwardly for not having thought of better, more "exciting" options. "I don't think her list is too bad," said Ginny's other friend, Liz.  "Thanks, Liz".  They had been friends since the 7th grade and all three of them were really good friends, best friends in fact, all going into their freshman year of high school.

Her Freshman ListWhere stories live. Discover now