Chapter 2: the first glimpse

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          Ginny's parents dropped her off in front of the school with many "I love you"s and "you'll be fine"s and "Good bye!"s.  Since her school went from kinder garden to 12th grade she immediately spotted many familiar faces, but she still didn't recognize some people.  She quickly spotted Liz and Emily talking near the lockers.  As she walked towards them, they spotted her and came running over with giddy smiles on their faces.

          "Look over there!!  See that guy over there by the water fountain? He's new and his name is Blake  Jones!  Isn't he HOT!!"  Ginny looked in the direction that her friends were pointing.  She had to admitt, this new Blake Jones was cute with his short semi-spiky black hair and tall stature, but she was no where near as hypnotized by him as her friends.  "Come on.  Y'all can talk to him later."  Her friends giggled at the word "y'all" but went back to their lockers anyway to unpack their things.

          As she finished putting her things away she heard a familiar voice. "Hi Virginia. How has your summer been?" "Hi James! How are you?" she said as she started to blush slightly.  James Gaskin had been her friend since the 4th grade.  People had always teased them asking if they were boy friend and girl friend, but they were never THAT friendly.  Ginny and James told each other about their summers until 8:25 when they had to head to class.  

          Ginny's first class was art.  None of her friends had signed up for art with her so she didn't really know anyone.  I really ought to say hi to someone, she thought to her self,  but I really don't want to, She silently scolded herself, remember what you put on on your bucket list just this morning, you need to have some courage and socialize!  Shaking with nervousness, she went up to one of the boys in the grade above her and introduced herself.  She found out that the boy's name was Jacob.  Class then started and, like her mom had predicted, they did not do any real work but just did a few name games and told the teacher how their summers were.

          Ginny's next few classes were very similar except that Liz was in her class.  They did the same thing as she had in art in all her classes until lunch.  

          This year they had an hour for lunch instead of just 45 minutes.  Ginny looked in her bag and found that her mom had also made her lunch and put a note with it that said "I love you!  Try to have some fun and meet some new people".  That was one of the problems that she had, she was rather shy and didn't really like to talk to others.  Emily and Liz, on the other hand, had no problem with talking to others and were talking/ flirting with Blake Jones.  She decided to join them and was surprised to find that Blake was actually a very nice guy.  

          Ginny also talked with some of her other class mates about summer and expressed some of her fears about high school.  Her classmates were not as afraid of high school as she was but they were still pretty nervous.

          Lunch ended and her other classes began.  Luckily, they only received homework in Spanish class and Ginny was able to finish it in the 5 spare minutes at the end of class.

         School ended and Ginny put her bags way relieved, because she had made it through the first day just fine.  Sadly, it did little to alleviate her fears.  She walked with Emily and Liz to the pick up line listening to Emily jabber away about teachers and class mates.  She said good bye to her two friends and waved good bye to James before she got into the car with her mom.

          "Hello my sweet girl!" Ginny's mom gave her a kiss,"how was your day?"  "Well.... I'm not AS terrified as I was this morning, but then again, it's only just the first glimpse."

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