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Daruma-san, also known as The Bath Game, is described best as a killer version of Red Light, Green Light. After the summoning ritual, the game follows the basic rules of a Japanese childrens game called Darumasan ga Koronda, which literally translates to The Daruma doll fell down. The player is it while Daruma-san will attempt to catch you. Don't let her catch you, or something will happen.

Daruma or Dharma dolls are actually meant to be signs of good luck, but the Daruma-san of this game doesn't carry good luck. 

Players: 1

Requirements: 1 bathroom with a bathtub. (a shower will not substitute, you need a bathtub.)

1. Begin at night before you go to bed.
2. Take off your clothes and enter the bathtub. Fill up the bathtub and turn off the lights.
3. Climb into the tub and sit down facing the faucet. Close your eyes and begin washing your hair.
4. As you wash your hair, say "Daruma-san fell down" don't stop saying this until you have finished washing your hair. Do not open your eyes.
5. If you have performed this correctly, you will get a mental image of a japanese woman standing in a bathtub. She will slip and fall, landing face first on a rusty tap and gouging her right eye out.
6. If you hear a noise behind you, do not open your eyes. Ask out loud, "Why did you fall in the bathtub?"
7. Allow the question to hang in the air. Then, keeping your eyes shut, get out of the tub. Do not trip and fall yourself, do not drain the tub. Get out of the bathroom and shut the door behind you.
8. Open your eyes. Leave the bathroom as you left it until morning.
9. go to sleep.

1. Wake up at the usual time. Open your eyes(??).
2. Go around you day like normal. You will feel a presence, but when you look you will not see her. If you look over your right shoulder you will get a glimpse of her. Her hair will be black and tangled and she will only have one eye.
3. She will try to get closer and closer, and when she gets too close for comfort shout "Tomare!" or "Stop!" and run away. The idea is to put some distance between you-DO NOT LET HER CATCH YOU.

1. Capture her in your gaze by looking over your right shoulder.
2. Shout "Kitta!" or "I cut you loose!" while swinging your arm down in a chopping motion. If you did this right, you will win.
3. If you didn't do this right..... RUN FO YA LIFE.

The ending must be preformed before midnight or you grant her permission to enter your dreams.

It's not reccomended to play this game more than once. Should you do it again, she will start at the position she was in at the conclusion of the previous game. 

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