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There is a woman called Kuchisake-onna, or the Slit-mouthed woman. She mostly is under poles, and if you get near she will step out. 

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" She'll ask.

It's a weird question, but it determines your fate. If you answer no, she'll take out a knife and kill you on the spot. If you say yes, she'll take off her surgical mask revealing cuts on either side of her mouth going from ear to ear. She'll then say,

"How about now?"

You might try to run away, but Kuchisake-onna is a very fast runner and will always get in front of you to ask again.

If you answer no this time, you will be cut in half. If you answer yes, she'll cut your mouth like hers.

Legend is that Kuchisake-onna was the wife of a Samurai. She was a beautiful woman, so beautiful that over the years she became obsessed and vain. One day the Samurai suspected her cheating and flew into a rage, attacking her and cutting her mouth from ear to ear.

"Who will think you're beautiful now?" he said.

The woman died and returned as Kuchisake-onna, an angry spirit that has haunted roads and paths ever since. In the old days it was said that she wore a kimono and would hide her face with the large end of her sleeve, but nowdays she wears a brown trenchcoat and covers her mouth with a surgeon's mask. The legend of the Slit-mouthed woman stayed in the shadows for generations until 1979 when Kuchisake-onna sightings started happening everywhere and it became an example of urban legend run amok.

How do you escape Kuchisake-onna, you may ask? Well, rumor says she hates Pomade, which is a type of hair gel, and if you say "Pomade, pomade, pomade" it will keep her away.

Another way is to say yes the first time and so-so the second. This will confuse her and give you enough time to run.

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