What He Wants

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"There are multiple valuable aspects about you, [Y/N], but the first I noticed was your soul. It's... different from other human souls – It's much darker, and has the potential to hold incredible power. My plan was to cultivate that darkness, increase the power of your soul, and then consume it to fulfill my own needs.

"Now, however, I've realized that it's much too important to simply consume. If I were to take it from you, then it would decrease its value astronomically. I have a new plan for you, one that I won't reveal at this time, and you'll be delighted to know that it doesn't involve your untimely demise."

I process the information. "So, you were planning to manipulate me, kill me, and then take my soul. Was that the plan?"

Dark looks at me with a hint of hesitation, but nods. His gaze is also full of intense analyzing. I take a deep breath, not really caring.

"Okay, cool," I say. "I'm gonna go to bed, now."

"You aren't furious that I was planning to kill you for your soul?"

"Not really. Do what you want. Besides, I'm too tired to think about it now."

I walk out of the room with a clean shirt in hand. I leave my old shirt to soak in cold water to remove Mia's blood from it. A smile makes its way onto my face when I think of her body lying in the cement room, incapable of bothering me. When I return to my room in my clean shirt, Dark has made himself comfortable sitting at the foot of my bed.

"Could you please leave? I'm going to sleep, now."

"You've fallen asleep under my watch countless times, [Y/N] – More times than you're aware of. You can go to bed easily with me here," he states.

"So that means you're not leaving," I say, crawling into bed. I tuck my legs up so that I won't bother him.

Soon, I have the familiar feeling of being watched by black eyes. They seem to help me drift off to sleep. As I lose consciousness, I swear I heard a deep voice mumble something, but I couldn't make it out.

When I wake up, Dark has left the room. The clock beside my bed says 11:37AM. I get out of bed and perform my morning routine, then throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Downstairs, I find Dark standing where he usually does in the living room. Though he doesn't turn away from the window, I'm sure he knows I'm here. I make myself some cereal and sit on the couch. Dark glances over at me for a few minutes, then returns to staring out the window.

After finishing my cereal, I look up at Dark and finally discuss what I had though over this morning.

"So, why did you think that eating my soul was such a big deal?" I ask.

Dark gazes at me with significant confusion. "You do realize that even after humans die, their souls survive for long after. If I were to consume your soul, that means that you would actually cease to exist, preceded by immense pain if I were to do it while you resisted. If you consented to your demise, your consciousness would merely end. Regardless, a person's soul tends to be an object of importance, to most."

"Well, it's not like I'm saying that I'd have let you take it, but it wouldn't really change my opinion of you. I've watched movies and shit; honestly, I kinda expected something like that," I shrug. "Are you still gonna keep your new plan a secret?"

"For now."

"That's fair, I guess."

I respect his decision and take my empty bowl to the kitchen. Dark's eyes follow me, but that's not unusual. I wash the bowl, then scroll through various apps on my phone. My mind wanders from the screen and to my activities for the day. I contemplate just staying inside and watching tv, but I should really go outside.

My phone provides no assistance, only distracting me occasionally with memes. Social media portrays people going on vacations throughout this country and others. I frown, still unable to form a coherent plan.

Might as well just walk around, again, I think.

Sighing, I grab my keys and shove them into my pocket. My phone's battery reads 87%, so I should be fine for a few hours if I don't use it often. As I reach for the doorknob, a suited chest appears in front of me, so that my arm is stretched around him. I let go of the handle, take a step back, and look up into black eyes.

"Where are you going?" Dark asks.

I shrug. "I'm just walking." I attempt to step around him, but he places a cold hand on my shoulder. My eyes travel back to his as he moves me in front of him, once more. I'm clearly not going anywhere, soon.

"You know you can't leave, yet," Dark reminds me.

"Why?" I ask. "You don't have to convince me to give up my soul, anymore, so what's the point?"

Dark just continues to stare at me. His grip on my shoulder slowly tightens, and I find that I'm not leaving until he gets what he wants. I sigh and surrender, raising my hands.


Dark places his lips on mine; one hand moves from my shoulder to the back of my neck, the other snakes from his side to my back. The demon holds me in place, and I can't help but place my hands on his chest. He seems to enjoy this action, pulling me closer so that our chests meet and I have to tilt my head up as he bends forward slightly.

Only after he breaks away do I notice the budding sensation blooming in my stomach. The kiss had felt completely natural, even though I'd only done it a few times before. Dark and I lock eyes for a moment, and he smirks knowingly. Then, he disappears. A moment passes where I simply stand in silence at the door.

I attempt to shake off the feeling as I exit the house, but my heated cheeks and cooled lips are a reminder of one thing: For the first time, I had kissed Dark back.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of "I'm Here to Help You" as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comments and votes are super appreciated. Thanks for reading! ~Blue

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