Frozen Yogurt Romance

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What the fuck is happening?

I'm still in shock from Dark's sudden gesture. Why the fuck would he do that? What the fuck?

The spot on my forehead remains cold, phantom lips lingering on my skin. I shudder, but my stomach also knots and twists. My mind understands what he's doing, how he's manipulating me, but my feelings are at war. On the one hand, he's affecting me with ease, using his charm and attraction to get me to trust him. On the other, my body is revolted by the thought of him being so near to me.

This causes the shivers of fear and fervor, the sickness of desire and dread, the dizziness of anxiety and anticipation.

Another shudder wracks my body, and I curl into a ball with my hands over my knees. This is one of my thinking positions – blocking everything outside so I can focus on everything inside. I frown.

What am I supposed to do? Dark's done a swell job of making sure that the only major emotions I have towards him are fear and affection, so I have to surrender to one. If I choose fear, he'll have too much power over me. After all – fear is the second most powerful motivator. However, affection is the most powerful, but it isn't as severe and he's less likely to physically harm me.

My mind desperately searches for an answer. As I focus less on what's happening outside of my mind, the tingling cool on my forehead wanes, but I hardly notice. Eventually, I give my mind a break and stand up, stretching. I loosen my stiffened limbs, then get myself a snack. An apple will do, for now. I need to eat healthy if I want my mind to be in peak condition for dealing with this demon. It's a tragedy, but junk food will just have to wait.

After an hour of doing nothing but pacing and thinking, I grab my keys and phone in frustration, storming out of my house.

Outside, there's a cool breeze, making it much more comfortable. The sun warms my skin. I'm wearing a simple steel-colored t-shirt and dark jeans. Once out of the house, I turn right towards the shopping block. There're clothing stores, jewelers, restaurants, cafes... frozen yogurt. In between a Gap and some hipster shoe shop, there's a pastel building full of cool air and "a thousand" (thirteen) flavors. I quickly walk inside, filling a small paper cup with fro-yo, adding about three toppings, and paying.

I'm unsure of whether frozen yogurt helps me think or not, but it sure makes me feel a hell of a lot better. I find an empty table with two chairs on either side, sitting in one and propping my feet up on the other. Sinking into the metal seat and closing my eyes, I'm able to relax like I've wanted to for days.

The shop's bell rings, and some guy walks in. I don't pay him any attention until he moves over to my table. I open my eyes, glancing over him. My heart jumps into my throat for an instant, but I calm myself, sitting up slowly.

"Hey, [Y/N]. How've you been over break, so far?" Martino asks. He's been my crush for the past two years, but we've been decent friends, so I didn't want to make things awkward by mentioning it.

Swallowing my feelings, I respond coolly: "'Sup, Martino? I've been pretty good – a little bored, actually. School's out, at least. What about you?"

He shrugs, making a face that always makes me smile. "I've been the same I guess. My brothers keep me fairly entertained." Martino has two older brothers, both tease him occasionally. I laugh.

"Siblings – can't say I want them," I joke. He laughs with me.

"Believe me, you shouldn't." Martino motions to the chair I had my feet on before. "Is this seat taken?" I shake my head. "I'm gonna get some yogurt and I'll be right back."

Martino walks off and grabs his frozen yogurt, then sits in the chair in front of me. Long after we've finished our cups of the cool treat, we're still talking and laughing. The manager doesn't mind because we're not causing any trouble. An hour or so later, I realize the time.

I'm Here to Help You (Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now