The Third Group

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After grabbing lunch, I decide to ask Dark a few more questions. We sit on the couch, and I have a sandwich on a a plate sitting in my lap. He stares at me intently, probably already forming his question for me. I eat thoughtfully, choosing my words carefully. Initially, I was planning to ask what I have that means so much to him, but he probably wouldn't tell me. Besides, it doesn't really matter what it is. I'm more concerned about what it will do. How will anything I have help someone like him?

Finally, I finish my sandwich and begin the Q&A: "If – well, more like when – you get what you want from me, what will happen? What are you planning to do?"

Dark seems intrigued by my question. "You're not going to keep asking what it is that I want from you?"

I shake my head. "You wouldn't tell me, anyways. No use in wasting a question."

"And you're certain that I'll get what I want from you?"

I nod. "Whatever it is, it's not like I can stop you from taking it. You have strong influence. If you really tried, you could probably take it right now. I'm assuming you just like messing with me because you know you'll get what you want, in the end."

He seems to accept my response, then answers my question. "It will make me more powerful."

"Aren't there other ways to do that rather than wasting your time with me? I have a pretty dull life – You're probably bored out of your mind half the time while you're here, putting up with an annoying human like me," I reason.

"I had thought the same thing, at first," he says, more to himself. "You'd be surprised how interesting this is, actually." I just nod again, realizing that I'll probably never understand him.

"Alright. It's your turn," I say, dismissing the tangent we had gotten onto.

"Why do you deny the person who I know you are?"

I look to the side, unable to hold his gaze, but I already have an answer.

"I can't be that person, no matter how similar to my 'true self' they are. I'm a good student with a bright future who's never committed a major crime in their life," I say. "Adults find me polite and full of potential, people my age see me as trustworthy, comedic, and charming. I've never opened up and I never planned to."

"You used the past tense," is all Dark says with startling intensity. I stare at him with confusion. "You never 'planned' to open up. Are you planning on opening up now?" I hadn't even really paid attention to what I was saying, I kind of just spoke my mind.

"I don't plan to open up now, either," I reply, shaking my head. He's quiet, but I'm not sure what the silence means. "That's not what I meant to imply." Dark shrugs, but still doesn't respond to my answer.

I sigh, then ask my next question: "What do you think of humans? I just want an outside opinion." The man laughs, but it's much less sinister than ever. It sounds much more honest and pleasant, ironically making me more uncomfortable. It almost sounds forced.

"It seems like a trick question," he replies.

"How so?"

"You hate other human beings, but you wouldn't want me to have a negative view of you. Which opinion do you want? That of yourself or that of others?" Dark smirks. I roll my eyes, annoyed by his assumption.

"If you hate me or think less of me because I'm a human, I don't blame you at all. Honestly, more power to you. I just want to know your real thoughts," I say. "Hate me if you want."

Dark appears mildly shocked, but it's concealed well. He does answer, saying, "I actually have three separate opinions for different variations of humans. I find that nearly all humans are conceited bigots with small minds and smaller thoughts, which are nowhere near interesting. They don't understand anything that simple science can't explain and stick too closely to their morals.

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