Wake Up the White Wolf

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A bang on the door pull Natsu from his sleep, he rolled onto his feet and rubbed his eyes as he opened the door, the blonde from the day before stared at him blankly, he snorted and stretched to the roof his tail flicking out straight behind him and his ears twisting slightly.

"What?" He asked simply

"Your equipment is ready." The woman answered flatly.

"What equipment?" Natsu asked

"The Queen wished for you to be better protected for your journey, please follow me." The woman bowed slightly before turning on her heel and striding away.

Natsu merely raised an eyebrow and retrieved his jacket from a peg beside the door, slipping it on as he walked down the hallway, they turned a few corner and crossed one of the grass fields before coming to a garage like building, he stared at the wide double doors for a few seconds before pushing one open slowly and walking inside, Erza tapped her foot impatiently, he black cloak tied firmly around her shoulders and the hood drawn up against the bite of the night cold, instead of the usual white shirt and black skirt that was the Academy uniform she wore a dark gray shirt and a long black dress, he frowned at the color pattern but dismissed it shortly after, he didn't really care...She still looked good, his mind admitted before he really had time to think about it.

A balding man stepped around a corner, Natsu recognized him as the teacher the day he had been summoned and he was fairly sure he had met him on one of his walks around the Academy, he wore long dark blue robes that covered most of his body accept for his hands, and carried a long wooden staff, he raised the staff and uttered a short incantation a set of lanterns around the room lit to life allowing everybody too see clearly, Natsu covered his eyes and allowed them to adjust back to a now lit room, the slits in his eyes widened and he let out a sigh of relief as the dull ache in his eyes receded.

"So? What's this about equipment?" Natsu asked flatly.

"Ah, Yes, Lord Dragneel I was-" The balding man started before Natsu cut him off.

"Lord?" Natsu asked a little surprised

"The Queen's guard informed me you had been promoted for your exemplary service to the country, it is merely customary," The man bowed "Now, as I was saying I was commissioned to build you a suit for your travels one that would be effective in both of your forms and not adhere your movement allowing you to fight effectively, we cannot have one of our best being killed by a stray arrow you understand?"

Natsu nodded.

The man smiled before pulling a large white sheet off a small pedestal, revealing a shining suit of armor, it was different from anything Natsu had ever seen before, he had to admit it looked cool, he walked towards the suit and placed a hand on his chin as he looked at it, the Helmet had what looked like the indent of a snarling wolf over a metal faceplate a small three pronged symbol sat on the forehead like a wide trident on the top two ear like folds opened up, two black holes for where his eyes would sit, the chest plate glowed faintly in the pale light of fire, it was incredibly thin, The hand guards easily would cover his entire forearm and a small amount of his wrist with the same paper thin metal, the shin guards were the same, two handles stuck out of either shoulder and Natsu reached up to retrieve the two weapons, it was on odd style of sword with no cross guard, the handle led into a small hook style barb before curving into a long thing sword not unlike a Katana, he spun them over his wrist and back into his hands they were incredibly light and seemed easy enough to handle.

"This is impressive," Natsu commended as he turned back to the maker of the suit "You are clearly quite skilled."

The man nodded with a smile "You are to kind, my lord."

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