Odd question and a Threat

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Natsu stood in the grey stone corridor staring at the wall opposite him, he took a long inhale and caught something in the air, something he recognized and it almost made him choke, he turned his head and watched the corridor for almost four minutes before the blonde from the night before finally appeared at the end, he gave him a sickeningly sweet smile as he walked, his larger canines giving it a menacing twist the boy paled visibly as he walked 'Good if he is scared of me and leaves I will be able to breathe again.' Natsu thought irritably.

"You need something pretty boy?" Natsu practically growled, his eyes flashed mirroring his less than stellar mood.

The boy swallowed hard, Natsu already knew exactly how this would play out, among the 12 or so perfumes wafting from the boy he could still make out the distinct smell of male pride, one he had hurt the night before and likely would be the topic on this man's mind, Natsu refrained from just attacking him 'No anything I do that is out of line reflects badly on Erza, she will get in trouble if I do something too drastic...But this boy is on a VERY short timer.'

"Nothing from you, I merely wish to speak with Erza." The boy said flatly, Natsu gave a chuckle before banging on the door, there was a short pause before Erza voice resounded into the corridor permitting him entrance, Natsu caught the boy's shoulder before he stepped into the room "Don't do anything foolish, I would hate to have to kill you." He warned in a harsh whisper before stepping back.

'I doubt he would even try anything but it is fun to toy with him,' Natsu mentally grinned at the half horrified half terrified look on the boys face before he pushed him into the room. Natsu turned back to his original position waiting for the pair of people to leave the room for whatever it is they were going to do today. A few minutes passed and Natsu remained in a pseudo staring contest with the wall, he was so engorged in his thought he didn't notice anyone had walked up yo him until he felt a light pressure on his arm, his mind snapped into reality and he turned to see the blue-haired girl from his first day here 'Tabi-Tabitha? right?'

"Hello." He said simply, he was a little uncomfortable about the girls apparent lack of understand on personal space.

She barely moved at all, just a small incline of her head as she continued to read, she occasionally looked up almost tiredly like everything in the world was boring and nothing beyond the book in front of her really had any points of interest 'Well at least she's quiet.' He thought simply.

The silence was starting to get to him and when he got distracted his mind would easily wander, pushing off the wall he made a move to walk away but stopped "If Erza comes out tell he I went to get some fresh air." He said simply.

The girl didn't move just let out a small "Hn." and a nod to tell him she would.

He turned around and went to walk away before something brushed against his tail, his back stiffened and he froze as he turned around, well prepared to attack anyone who had touched his tail 'What is it with the people here.' He turned around to see the bluette giving him one of the most intense stared he had ever had the misfortune to be on the receiving end of.

"Is there something you want?" Natsu asked cautiously 'Did I do something wrong? I barely did anything at all what the hell?'

"No I was just wondering if it was real." She said flatly.

"You could have just asked." Natsu sighed.

She shook her head "People lie." Was all she said.

Natsu shrugged "Fair enough."


"Yes?" Natsu asked.

"If you die, may I dissect you?" Tabitha asked flatly, like she was asking for coffee or a piece of cake, like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Natsu staggered, albeit slightly as his mind processed her words 'She wanted to dissect me? What?' "Um, I don't know...I guess." Natsu said with a slight shake of his head.

She returned to her spot on the wall and went back to reading, Natsu spun around and walked away and so concluded the weirdest conversation he had ever had in his life. He got outside and took a long inhale, the area around him was still foggy as the morning dew was being evaporated, the cool morning air filled his lungs and emptied his mind he relaxed slightly as he leaned against the wall his tail hanging between his legs occasionally swishing 'When I woke up this morning I certainly didn't expect to have to answer any questions upon my dissection.' He thought with a chuckle 'Maybe she mean like an autopsy back in my world, that is probably it.' he thought simply.

Natsu sat there unmoving while he thought, people started to filter out of the door, all wearing the uniforms some had strange beasts following them, some didn't. He received many various looks, ranging from disgust to contempt to fascination, he didn't like any much he just wanted to disappear, looking up at the tower he saw Erza's room window was still open 'Well I can always just say I wanted to warn her before she was late.' He thought simply as she back a few steps from the wall, he ran towards it and jumped his foot connected with the wall and his body went into a sort of overdrive mode as she made a dash for the window, a lot of people gazed up at him in wonder as he landed softly on the window sill, he dropped his leg over one side of it and stuck his head in the room.

"I demand you punish him for injuring my arm, or I will take this to the court and have you stripped of all rights of a Noblewoman and expelled from the school." The blonde boy gave a large menacing grin at the threat, a low growl pulled his from his moment of 'Victory.'

Natsu sat on the window sill, his eyes flashed dangerously and his tail swished about him, the boy gulped and Natsu growled again "Is there some law that allows you to yank on another being for no reason at all?"

Erza placed herself in between Natsu and the boy worriedly "Guiche, if it is true that you grabbed him first it is a simple matter of self defense and therefore we can just forgive and forget." It was more of a warning for The blonde to let it go than it was anything.

The blonde gave a quick nod and swallowed hard, Natsu's evil aura vanished immediately 'Intimidation is such an easy method to exploit.' he thought as he suppressed a chuckle.

"I wanted to warn you Erza, it seems you are about to be late." Natsu said simply.

Erza gave a slight start as she looked at the clock, grabbing Guiche by the wrist "If I am late you are going to explain why you kept me!" She snapped angrily as she ran from the room, Natsu watched the two leave, from the doorway he saw Tabitha poke her head around and look at him she cocked her head slightly at how he got in there then dismissed it and pulled the door closed, he heard her footsteps as she left. Natsu took a short breath, the boys stench filled the room and threatened to suffocate him, well at least that's what it felt like. He leaned over the window sill and fell back onto the grass, landing with a soft thud and barely bending his knee at all as he walked to the door waiting for Erza to arrive.

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